Latest Australian Research Council News | Page 6

How the weird and wonderful microbes in wastewater can make our cities more sustainable
Assessing impacts of drought & water extraction on groundwater from space
New timber research hub to transform sustainable construction
Timber efficiencies could help ease nation’s housing crisis
Black summer bushfires wiped $2.8 billion from tourism supply chains
Mysterious pearl shells unearthed in French Polynesia
Stop killing brown snakes – they could be a farmer’s best friend
Banksias are iconic Australian plants, but their ancestors actually came from North Africa
The first flowers evolved before bees – so how did they become so dazzling?
Yes, it’s getting more humid in summer. Here’s why
Australia may spend hundreds of millions of dollars on quantum computing research. Are we chasing a mirage?
Travellers with disability often face discrimination. What should change and how to complain
Pass Australian Research Council Amendment Bill
Did the BOM get it wrong on the hot, dry summer? No – predicting chaotic systems is probability, not certainty
Australia risks falling behind allies on research security. Will it take a spy scandal in our universities to catch up?
How Australia’s huge superannuation funds can do much more to fight climate change, with a little help
When floodwater reaches the sea, it can leave a 50 metre thick layer of brown water – and cause real problems
Check your ‘fun parts’: what a new sexual health campaign for young Aussies gets right and wrong
Australia plans to regulate ‘high-risk’ AI. Here’s how to do that successfully
Can we cut road deaths to zero by 2050? Current trends say no. What’s going wrong?
Australians are concerned about AI. Is the federal government doing enough to mitigate risks?
Climate change and nature loss are our biggest environmental problems – so why isn’t the market tackling them together?
565-million-years-old, some of the oldest UK fossils are eerily similar to famous Australian ones
Thinking of using an activity tracker to achieve your exercise goals? Here’s where it can help – and where it probably won’t
Do they see what we see? Bees and wasps join humans in being tricked by illusions of quantity
Less than 10% of Australian scorpions are known to science. We’ve added two new species to the list
Giant ‘kings of apes’ once roamed southern China. We solved the mystery of their extinction
New analysis unlocks the hidden meaning of 15,000-year-old rock art in Arnhem Land
Why is the universe ripping itself apart? A new study of exploding stars shows dark energy may be more complicated than we thought
As Australia’s net zero transition threatens to stall, rooftop solar could help provide the power we need
Earth’s invisible shield can help reveal our past and our future
Become a beach scientist this summer and help monitor changing coastlines
Cosmic chemistry unveils stellar dance: ALMA telescope discovers hidden orbit secrets
Think you’re good at multi-tasking? Here’s how your brain compensates – and how this changes with age
Crocs love feral pigs and quolls have a taste for rabbit – but it doesn’t solve the invasive species problem
Want to buy a home telescope? Tips from a professional astronomer to help you choose
‘Foul and loathsome’ or jewels of the natural world? The complicated history of human-frog relations
‘Maintain Asian forest diversity to avoid climate change impact’
Deep-sea squid gives up secrets
Avian influenza has killed millions of seabirds around the world: Antarctica could be next
What octopus DNA tells us about Antarctic ice sheet collapse
If you’ve got solar, can you run aircon without worrying about cost? Not quite
Australian beachgoers are told to always ‘swim between the flags’ – but what if there aren’t any?
People once lived in a vast region in north-western Australia – and it had an inland sea
Invasive grasses are worsening bushfires across Australia’s drylands
Carbon in, carbon out: Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ assessment reveals astonishing boom and bust cycles
19-million-year-old fossil jaw bone hints the biggest whales first evolved somewhere unexpected
Academy Fellows receive prestigious International Science Council Fellowship