Latest biological News | Page 4

Why don’t people care about Australia’s native rodents? The problem could be their ugly names
‘Tiny tornadoes’ around leaves spread deadly plant pathogens
A bookshop owner has called for ‘a substantial shift’ in ‘woke’ Australian publishing
Tiny worm offers window into important protein modifications
Unlocking secrets of natural reef recovery
Does your foot shape dictate how well you do the locomotion, baby?
Tackling Hudson pear in North West NSW
Shuffling robot uses biological muscle to move and spin
Researchers observe what ubiquitination hinges on
With deep roots and expanding collection, herbarium offers window into plant history
Australia may spend hundreds of millions of dollars on quantum computing research. Are we chasing a mirage?
Gene expression atlas captures where ovulation can go awry
Structural study points way to better malaria drugs
Dirk Görlich receives Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine 2024
Whale calves found stealing milk from other mothers
With second grant from lab into application
Mouse model may help explain, treat infertility
These fierce, tiny marsupials drop dead after lengthy sex fests – and sometimes become cannibals
How shift work affects your sleep
Marine heatwaves affecting little penguin population
Modified Soft Material Promises Better Bioelectronics
Annual Soup & Hope speaker series to kick off Jan. 25
Our ‘food environments’ affect what we eat. Here’s how you can change yours to support healthier eating
Key moment in the evolution of life on Earth captured in fossils
Do they see what we see? Bees and wasps join humans in being tricked by illusions of quantity
Playford gifts 300,000th native plant
Nafion byproduct 2 Found in Blood of Well Users Near Fayetteville, N.C
Fastest swimming insect could inspire uncrewed boat designs
December rain greens up Townsville
ISU researcher wins innovation challenge to seek RNA drug targets
You can’t reverse the ageing process but these 5 things can help you live longer
Christmas cheer as red crabs march begins
Shock wave photographed passing through single cell
Australian beachgoers are told to always ‘swim between the flags’ – but what if there aren’t any?
Revealing close and distant relatives in ancient DNA with unprecedented precision
Moderation surpasses excess
Funding to find repurposed drugs to fight bacterial infections
Rover Metals Submits Plan of Operations for Its Let’s Go Lithium Project, NV, USA
New method could help estimate wildlife disease spread
‘If in doubt, don’t go out’: the risks of swimming at unpatrolled beaches this summer
Chronic migraine research finds genetic mechanism to lower migraine frequency
Animal-Free Science Advocacy Celebrates Funder Decision on Forced Smoking Research
75 years of the Australian Journals of Scientific Research celebrated
How hardened arteries cause heart attacks
HRI calls for donations to stop Australia’s biggest killer this Christmas
What happens to teeth as you age? And how can you extend the life of your smile?
Researchers predict protein placement on AFM substrates
Croucher Foundation Presents Innovation Awards to Four Distinguished Scholars