Latest federal government News | Page 30

Berninneit officially opened ahead of community celebrations
Cook Government and Housing Industry Association WA host housing roundtable
Western Sydney International Airport Draft EIS: Bayside
Opening of $49.9 million sporting precinct to bolster local sports
Southern Forests Food Council to grow region’s gourmet potential
Fair trade, not just free trade
Friday 27 October 2023
Macquarie Asset Management announces agreement to invest in U.S. fiber business SwyftFiber
New measuring tool tracks food security over time
Most young people exposed to vaping ads, despite restrictions
Peace with Nature: Rejuvenating war-torn Colombia with sustainable development
Fixing retirement villages requires national standard
All mines close. How can mining towns like Mount Isa best manage the ups and downs?
NSW Farmers joins campaign against anti-farming policies
Alarming new data reveals 9 in 10 teens find access to illegal vapes easy
General practice key for healthier communities: global GP conference in Sydney
More threatened species listed past 2yrs than previous 10yrs
What is cost shifting and how does it affect my rates?
New President launches national campaign against anti-farming policies
Most Australians want Stage 3 scrapped or overhauled
PhD student to intern with European Space Agency
Wool being pulled over our eyes RE: sheep prices
Good deal, or no deal for Aussie farmers in Europe
Chris Bilkey departs Murray River
Even stronger action to snuff out vaping crisis
Fire ant funding could help turn tide
Electrical and AV upgrade works to commence at Town Hall
Business welcomes $2 billion expansion in critical minerals financing
New report makes case for electrifying Australia’s homes to improve health, create jobs and reduce bills
Work on new Melville Oval netball courts starts
Pushing water uphill: Snowy 2.0 was a bad idea from the start. Let’s not make the same mistake again
UNSW academics awarded more than $3m for Indigenous health research
Pork barrelling, jobs for mates considered corruption in eyes of public
Polling: Pork barrelling, jobs for mates considered corruption in eyes of public
Salmon farming expansion decision under review
Dementia education pathways to inspire future leaders in aged care
Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, I commend to you
Industry pushing ‘imaginary’ cars won’t solve transport emission woes
Project bank accounts – a hammer in search of a nail
NFF welcomes Federal Fire Ant funding, calls for states to commit
National Skills Agreement to support more training courses
45 is the new 50: Screening age drops due to rising rates of bowel cancer in under 50s
Landmark skills agreement boon for Territory
Taking the temperature of nurses as the spotlight focuses on the aged care workforce
Kids escaping family violence can be vulnerable to intimate partner abuse. We must break the vicious cycle
Myimbarr Sporting Field Takes Shape
Gillespie calls for Labor to abandon Offshore Wind Farm
Study investigates link between Indigenous hearing loss and mental health