Latest fossil fuel News | Page 14

Apple BKC in Mumbai opens for customers this Tuesday
Plastic action or distraction? As climate change bears down, calls to reduce plastic pollution are not wasted
Super funds investing $25bn in fossil fuel expansion
Q&A: Hydro-Québec COO Serge Abergel on leading the net zero energy transition through hydropower
Government refers solar energy projects for fast-track consenting
Building demand for wool in sports and outdoor
Rooting Out How Plants Control Nitrogen Use
Guilt-free energy 4 April
Safeguard mechanism: protecting our net zero by 2050 future
Now let’s cut Australia’s exported emissions
Australia will have a carbon price for industry – and it may infuse greater climate action across the economy
Creating carbon account now easier than ever
Health workers disappointed HESTA removes AGL from its watchlist, more not less pressure needed on Australia’s largest polluter
Minns Government must take strong stand against fossil fuel influence
‘I Quit Gas’: Climate Council teams up with Sarah Wilson to expose gas as a toxic health hazard in our homes
Transcript: Interview with Nadia Mitsopoulos on ABC Perth Mornings
Australia’s safeguard mechanism deal is only a half-win for the Greens, and for the climate
Australia’s safeguard mechanism deal is only half a win for the Greens, and for the climate
Greens will back Labor’s safeguard mechanism without a ban on new coal and gas. That’s a good outcome
Safeguard deal welcome but new coal and gas must be next
Strengthened mechanism a critical start, but not the final word
Safeguard Deal Caps & Cuts Pollution Despite No Ban: Hard Choices for Govt. on Gas & Coal
Safeguard Mechanism win: big polluters on notice as Australia’s era of climate gridlock ends
Greens secure hit on coal and gas in Safeguard deal
NZ’s fuel efficiency standards proving popular, time for Australia to catch up
Nano inks could change how we use energy
Experts call for action on the commercial determinants of health and health equity
Experts call for health over profit in Lancet series
Kill bills and save the planet – electrification submission lights a path forward
UN expert: States must step up climate action now, before it is too late
Government investments boost and diversify local economies in lower South Island
Cement Smokescreen for Unlimited Safeguard Offsets Doesn’t Stack Up: Research
Tax The Roys! – Succession returns as millions around the world face extreme inequality and poverty
Health workers continue calling out AGL’s climate inaction
Fortescue’s statement on release of IPCC report
World needs to move from grudging acceptance to rapid action
We must end coal and gas by 2030 and stop pouring fuel on the climate crisis: Greens
Scientists’ ‘final’ warning: only swift, dramatic action will avert climate disaster
Greens introduce motion to demand answers on brown-coal-to-hydrogen project
116 New Fossil Fuel Projects = 4.8b Tonnes of Pollution, 24x Safeguard Cuts
Majority Support Ban on New Gas & Coal, Very Little Support for Unlimited Offsets: Polling
Oxfam Reaction – IPCC Synthesis Report
University publishes endowment investments climate report
Origin’s Frank Calabria optimistic on ‘staggering’ energy transformation
Integrated electricity is new frontier of climate leadership
Supply chains – next step in energy sector decarbonisation
Kenya and FFI take major step forward on green energy and green ammonia projects
Our CEO Helen Clarkson responds to Spring Budget