Latest Gaza News | Page 9

The rights of civil society members are being violated by all entities in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, UN Commission of…
Greens Congratulated for new policy on Palestine & Israel
ICRC President: “Avoiding the use of explosive weapons in populated areas will significantly decrease civilian suffering”
Food aid suspension due to Gaza escalation of violence could leave thousands of Palestinians hungry 
Children in the Gaza Strip are sheltering in fear and all schools closed following another escalation of violence
Comment by UN Human Right Office spokesperson Jeremy Laurence on Gaza escalation
UN experts urge international community to end forced displacement and annexation of occupied territory: Israel
Escalating violence in Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Lebanon
UN expert condemns brutal attacks on Palestinians at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Israel
Australia must join condemnations of attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
Police seek information: Dangerous driving at Mount Gravatt, QLD
Statement by High Commissioner on report on the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Jimmy Carter: man of humanity
UN Human Rights Chief concerned by escalating violence: Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territory
Painting connects Defence with culture
Online exhibition tugs at the heartstrings
Security Council: Middle East
FAO and EBRD mark 25 years of cooperation with $5.5 million initiative to help face the global grain crisis
Commission of Inquiry finds that Israeli occupation is unlawful under international law
Calls on UN General Assembly to request that International Court of Justice urgently advise on legal consequences of such actions
Gaza’s Youth: Suspended Lives, Fading Opportunities
Comment by UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani on execution of five prisoners in Gaza
Bachelet deplores Israel’s failure to grant visas for UN Human Rights staff in occupied Palestinian territory
World Vision statement regarding sentencing of Mohammad El Halabi
Bachelet alarmed by number of Palestinian children killed in latest escalation, urges accountability
Israel and Occupied Territories – Political solutions needed to halt cycles of violence
Save Children statement on violence in Gaza and Israel
UN Committee against Torture publishes findings on Botswana, Nicaragua, State of Palestine and United Arab Emirates
End-of-Mission Statement of UN Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices
After 15 years of blockade, four out of five children in Gaza say they are living with depression, grief, and fear
Israel’s blockade of Gaza hits 15 years with no diplomatic resolution in sight
World Vision Statement on Verdict in Mohammad El Halabi Trial
MEAA House Committee statements in solidarity over killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
Poll: Government out of touch with Australians on Palestine
In Dialogue with Israel, Experts of Human Rights Committee Raise Issues Concerning Applicability of Covenant and Ask about
Middle East in 2021: Despite year out of global spotlight, millions remain in need
I will not be silenced about justice for Palestinian people
Received & Determined Development Applications 14 December
UN expert calls for “brave” new approach to end Israeli occupation of Palestine