Latest microbiology News

Antibacterials are everywhere: for the sake of our microbiome, we need to control their use
Rotavirus protein NSP4 manipulates gastrointestinal disease severity
The gym can be full of germs – here’s how to protect yourself
Fibre may help protect your gut from overgrowth of harmful bugs – new study
Why do disinfectants only kill 99.9% of germs? Here’s the science
Why splash pools can be an infection risk for kids
Researchers discovered replication hubs for human norovirus
How to detect more antimicrobial resistant bacteria in our waterways
Bright Future For Agriculture
Cornell’s ‘big Cheese’ Of Cheese Retires
How does the International Space Station orbit Earth without burning up?
Governor of Queensland visit to Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics highlights innovative malaria vaccine research
Why bovine colostrum supplements could be a health gamble
VisiRose Introduces Revolutionary Therapy for Severe Eye Infections
BCM Expands STEMM Curriculum In South Texas
How SARS-CoV-2 Exploits Human Proteins To Replicate
Unique Experiment Sends T-cells Into Space
Mouse Study Captures Aging Process At Cellular Level
12 KI Researchers Among World’s Most Cited
Why you should never kiss a baby
UQ researchers recognised in Highly Cited Researcher awards
Highly cited Monash academics recognised among the global top one per cent
Scientists turn to nature to help tackle antibiotic resistance
AI method for detecting biliary tract cancer on IVA’s 100 list
Benjamin Nilsson Payant and Egle Kvedaraite are awarded the Jonas Söderquist scholarship year 2024
Study identifies “Achilles heel” of drug-resistant pathogens
UQ Receives $3.8 Million From ARC
KI Research Presented To Eleven Nobel Laureates
Staying Healthy During Food Safety Week
New Method For Deep Plasma Proteome Profiling
Secondhand clothes can be swimming in germs – what vintage shoppers need to know
Wind-whipped Conferment Ceremony With Time For Magic
Over 36 Mkr from the Swedish Research Council to MTC researchers
ERC Synergy Grant for AI-assisted Search for New Antibiotics
Potential drugs for cancer treatment may help tackle tuberculosis
PolyU’s first in-orbit material experiment testbed completed catalyst material experiments in Low Earth Orbit
FluMist: Who Is Nasal Spray Best For?
Grants From SSMF To 21 KI Researchers
Toothbrushes and showerheads covered in viruses ‘unlike anything we’ve seen before’ – new study
Discovery boosts fight against antibiotic-resistant hospital superbugs
Study busts myths about cause of gout
One of science’s greatest achievements: how the rapid development of COVID vaccines prepares us for future pandemics
Bird flu patient had no apparent contact with animals – and there’s still no evidence of sustained human-to-human spread
Study reveals how COVID-19 infection can cause or worsen diabetes
Biobots arise from the cells of dead organisms − pushing the boundaries of life, death and medicine
Study proves transfer of feline coronavirus between domestic and wild cats
How To Stay Healthy During Freshers’ Week
Found dead in the snow − how microbes can help pinpoint time of death for forensic investigations in frigid conditions