Latest Morawa News

Funding to improve cultural experiences in 10 regional galleries
Next up for regional WA: RACIP funding for emerging creatives
Broadacre Crops Top $28.9 Billion In 2022-23: Australia
Pool entry pilot program enabling kids to end summer with a splash
$5.7 million to strengthen WA’s bushfire preparedness
Voice door to opportunity
Funding enriches regional art and culture
Multi-million-dollar investment for communities impacted by Severe Tropical Cyclone Seroja
Funding to help secure water supplies in Mid-West and northern Wheatbelt communities
Regional events to reignite tourism around State
Mobile Worker Accommodation Rolls Out For Seroja Recovery
Insurers to provide Seroja claims assistance
Four regional shires funded to develop or implement creative and cultural plans
State Government commits $9.35 million to help build better sport and recreation facilities across WA
In memory of Aboriginal trailblazer Irwin Lewis
High-speed broadband switching on in Mid-West
Commissioner appointed to administer Shire of Perenjori
Rich rewards to reap for grain grower scholars
Internet of Things DecisionAg grants to drive agtech