Latest mortality News

Children with congenital heart defects have poorer survival following cancer diagnosis
Why professional footballer Harrison is kicking off against cancer
Dogs sniff out devastating spotted lanternflies for early detection
Baby Patrice is all smiles after life-saving facial surgery
HistoSonics Edison® Histotripsy System Treats First Pancreatic Tumor Patients in GANNON Trial
Deadly mould strains highly likely to acquire resistance to new drugs
New Resources For Ewe Pregnancy Scanning Released
Funding Supports Type 2 Diabetes Research
Air Pollution In India Linked To Millions Of Deaths
Blood tests are currently one-size-fits-all − machine learning can pinpoint what’s truly ‘normal’ for each patient
Redfin deaths in Oberon Dam – help reduce the spread of biosecurity threats
Genetics Deliver Long-term Solution To Worms
Priorities in planning hepatitis B and C testing services: new operational guide
Enterococcus Helps E. Coli ‘Armor Up’ in Dog, Poultry Co-Infections
Fighting Aging By Staying Compact
Homelessness almost doubles chance of death in Australia
Physical inactivity costs Western Sydney $1.5 billion per year and increases health risks, new report reveals
The UK is no longer offering COVID vaccines to pregnant women – here’s why that might be a bad idea
Bob Dylan just finished what could be his last tour – but remains a defiant artist forging new ideas
Cancer Council and Sydney FC join forces to kick off against cancer 
Weighty Matters – disentangling the Body Mass Index, metabolic health and aging connection
Study leads way to early detection and treatment of aggressive prostate cancer
The 27 Club isn’t true, but it is real − a sociologist explains why myths endure and how they shape reality
Osteoporosis, the silent disease, can shorten your life − here’s how to prevent fractures and keep bones healthy
Mater Surgeon Removes Huge 2kg Tumour From Man’s Liver
Heart Failure Mortality Declining In Sweden
Linda’s Hope, healing and the ‘annoying’ bowel cancer test that saved her life  
‘Perfect storm’ of distrust deepened inequalities during COVID-19 pandemic
Ashurst advises APONTIS PHARMA on investment agreement with Zentiva
Help farmers stop a niggle from becoming a pain in the neck
Australia’s Leading Cause Of Death On Brink Of Change
Global Warming Threat To Whale Sharks
It’s complicated – why fisheries decisions are never easy
Global bird flu outbreak poses a new threat to Australian wildlife
Forecasting Australia’s Disaster Migration Future
‘Happy wives, happy social lives?’ Men are more emotionally disconnected than women – what can be done about it?
Changes Ahead For Audit Of Surgical Mortality
New Tool Can Assess Elderly Dogs’ Frailty
NSW new dubbo Base Hospital announced as regional trauma service
Dubbo Base Hospital announced as regional trauma service
Improving Women’s Status Promotes Peace – But How?
Every Day Is World Suicide Prevention Day
Breaking the trend: Skin cancer incidence in young adults declines
Honeybees: Combinations Of Pesticides Can Be Dangerous
New Study Uncovers Key Factors in Myositis-Induced Muscle Weakness
Keith Mawson: Story Of Snapper
Studying the function of the immune system in respiratory infections
Best Female Researchers In Sweden