Latest pilot study News | Page 2

Veterans tap into mindfulness with new program
Real-world vehicle fuel testing program launches
Building more resilient workforce
Nuclear technique supports industry-led action plan to phase out packaging with PFAS chemicals
Nuclear technique supports industry-led action plan to phase out packaging with PFAS
Machine learning predicts negative anaesthesia outcomes
Workplace health study targets veterans
Research reveals menstrual education lacking in Australia
Women employees should expect more from law when they’re pregnant
Sacked, demoted, bullied: pregnancy discrimination exposed in Monash University study
Books about Māori legends created for local children
COVID detector dog squad begins hospital duty 8 June 2022
COVID detector dog squad begins hospital duty
Faster Diagnosis Possible In New Clinical Trial
SSRI funding boosts interdisciplinary research
Knee pain helped by parkrun fun
Fund managers’ inconsistent performance measurement and cost of fees reduces benefits to investors
Is climate change affecting parent choices?
Exercise may reduce depression symptoms, boost effects of therapy
Solar-powered UV water treatment could improve health outcomes in rural Tanzania
Hino misconduct shows Real World Emissions test is vital
Supporting children after trauma
Study finds nasal spray could aid battle against COVID
Clinical trial investigates group naturopathic program for endometriosis
Flippers and flutes: how music helps us talk to dolphins
How can music help us communicate with dolphins?
How data can help prevent overdiagnosis
Study finds children exposed to brand minute
New world-first clinical trial on benefits of losing weight prior to pregnancy
Medical research funding to treat debilitating diseases
Spawn of new era as Reef’s first Coral IVF babies reach maturity
Coral IVF babies breed for first time ever on Reef
Real world emissions testing commitment win for consumers
Designing universal access to ocean pools
World-first lung cancer screening facility increases chance of cure
Researchers investigate health effects of fracking in B.C.’s Northeast
Patient-led surveillance shows promise for melanoma care
Making sense of patient experience data
Budget reality jolt transition to electric vehicles needs
Future Fuels and Vehicle strategy missed opportunity
Bringing food relief to Wheatbelt
Case study: Pilot implementation in Nigeria and Zambia, SBI Covid data collection tool
New AgTech to measure meat quality in lamb
Higher levels of organic pollutants found in homes located near natural gas wells: University of Toronto study
First Coral IVF babies on Reef thriving
Study suggests sugary diet endangers waste-eating protein crucial to cellular repair
Managing stress of cancer
Whitsundays tourism industry onboard to deliver new life to damaged reefs