Latest University of Melbourne News | Page 10

Australia must include people with cognitive disability in politics
New investment deal to take research from lab to market
Taking care of business: QUT maintains rank in top three Australian business schools
La Trobe University and Optus appoint new Chair in Digital Health
New Optus Chair in Digital Health announced
Does a brain in a dish have moral rights?
Flinders joins global hydrogen push
Honest conversation about alcohol and cancer
Why everybody living with dementia needs regular eye tests
Major $15M investment boosts research translation at RMIT
Taking Research Out Of Lab And Into Market
Research bodies unite to ramp up ag growth
Australian institutes spearhead global efforts in clean energy innovation
Who really benefits from private health insurance rebates? Not people who need cover the most
Victoria’s Newest Coroner And County Court Judges
Victoria Welcomes New Judge To Supreme Court
Our planet is burning in unexpected ways – here’s how we can protect people and nature
Cars, chlamydia and canines are biggest koala killers
Tim Flannery’s message to all: rise up and become a climate leader – be the change we need so desperately
Parasites may be gross, but so is Australia’s attitude to Indigenous health
Does running water really trigger the urge to pee? Experts explain the brain-bladder connection
Think the best footy players earn too much? Here’s why they should be paid more
Could my child have low iron? And what are my options if they do?
Meat & Livestock Australia launches new bushfire preparation and recovery manual
Faster disaster: climate change fuels ‘flash droughts’, intense downpours and storms
Apple wants to know if you’re happy or sad as part of its latest software update. Who will this benefit?
How we brought mistletoes back to the trees of Melbourne – while warding off hungry possums
New model powering faster flood predictions
Myth of neutrality and why Australia needs Voice
How epigenetics is transforming our understanding of evolution
Splendour of cybersecurity
10-year feral cat plan brings us a step closer to properly protecting endangered wildlife
Replanting birthing trees
How one student forced the government to admit the economic risks of climate change
India’s leadership at G20 can prove multilateralism isn’t a fading ideal
Australia’s least wanted – 8 alien species and diseases we must keep out of our island home
Grattan Institute launches search for new CEO after Danielle Wood accepts appointment as Chair of the Productivity Commission
Disinformation in the city: The challenges facing Australian and Indonesian local governments
Not burning, drowning: why outdoor festivals like Burning Man are reeling from extreme weather
The illegal killing of 265 trees on Sydney’s North Shore is not just vandalism. It’s theft on a grand scale
Virtual reality is helping Olkola Traditional Owners get back on Country
How disinformation is undermining our cities
Art can be anywhere
University strikes to intensify across Victoria over pay and conditions
Brain cells living on the edge
Leading lawyer joins University’s space mission
The humble spotted gum is a world class urban tree. Here’s why
Learning by knowing, by doing, by being