Latest UNSW News | Page 58

More accurate diagnosis for rare ovarian cancer type on cards, new research reveals
CHeBA Awarded Funding for Brain Scan Data
UNSW tops Nature Index rankings
Patients’ avatars being used to test cystic fibrosis drugs
Inspiring panel shines a light on diversity in sport
Economic windfall thanks to AFL
Minister unveils new plastics recycling technology
Earliest signs of life: scientists find microbial remains in ancient rocks
Arts and mental health festival returns to tackle life’s biggest anxieties
Do you know where your data is? Why we choose convenience over privacy
How gliding animals fine-tuned rules of evolution
New book reveals modern slavery is all around us
Gender gap in music industry comes into focus at UNSW’s Diversity Fest
Why Manus leaves Australia compromised in Middle East coalition
Misused and overprescribed: issues with anxiety drug persist despite 2017 policy
First survey of trans and gender diverse sexual health reveals major gaps in health system
Satellites to reveal sea state and much more than eye can see
UNSW summit to address nation’s shortfall in cybersecurity skills
UNSW scientist first woman honoured with top chemistry prize
Fighting waste: UNSW and OzHarvest plan a better food future
Relocating Indonesia’s capital from a sinking Jakarta to a forest: A risky but needed move
IVF birth rates improving, multiple birth rate at a record low
UNSW to scale up grads with focus on user-design
World leader in genomics joins UNSW
UNSW rockets up Times Higher Education World University Rankings
Hudson Berry dreams big in sport and Medicine
UNSW Professor to give keynote address on drug testing of welfare recipients
Is it possible to phase out fossil fuel exports in Australia?
People-centric approach to design is key to enhancing standards of living
Face facts: we need to know more about super recognisers
Australian women buy sex but society isn’t okay with it
Coastal infrastructure urgently needs a rethink, marine ecologists say
Dylan Alcott and star Australian athletes headline UNSW Diversity Fest
Alexander Mackie and City Arts Institute reunion
Architect of Finland’s Universal Basic Income Experiment returns to UNSW
NASA and European Space Agency join UNSW in outback for training crucial for Mars 2020 missions
Taking internet to far corners of globe
UNSW in top three Australian universities for latest NHMRC funding
Indigenous mothers and children often have no choice but to return to an unsafe home
Seed Funding Success for Dr Louise Mewton
Fertility and Research Centre to make IVF more accessible across NSW
Rise and fall of a lesbian social scene explored in new book about drag kings
Why medevac should stay: Kaldor Centre strongly opposes repeal
Universities are carefully managing international risks
An unlimited passion for equality for sport coaches
An unlimited passion for equality
UNSW report reveals extraordinary increase in police strip searches
Lifetime refugee ban is harsh and discriminatory, says Senate submission