We are here to stay: Catholic education boss says

Despite media speculation on school closures, Catholic education is strong and here to stay, says Catholic Education Melbourne Acting Executive Director, Jim Miles.

‘Ill-informed conjecture by some outlets regarding the viability of Catholic schools with enrolment decline is feeding uncertainty in some school communities’, Mr Miles said.

‘Hardworking Catholic school principals who are making a real difference to their communities and to shaping the lives of so many young Victorians are being chased by journalists out for a scoop that just isn’t coming.’

Mr Miles said that the Catholic sector was saddened by the Presentation Sisters decision to close Presentation College Windsor, but that this did not reflect the broader situation in Catholic schools across Melbourne.

‘Instant analyses that only focus on one or two data points do not reflect a fully informed picture for Catholic schools’, said Mr Miles.

‘In a number of schools, including Mercy College, Coburg, and Nazareth College, Noble Park North, new leaders are breathing life into their school communities and turning around enrolments.’

‘Instead of talking down school communities and undermining parents’ confidence in their choice of Catholic education, single-sex education or a combination of both,

/Public Release.