Young drivers needed to help reduce crashes


A first time P-plater is 33 times more likely to have a car accident than a learner driver, but the risk of them crashing halves six months after they get their licence.

UNSW Science’s School of Aviation is attempting to work out what can improve young drivers’ behaviour in their first six months of driving and needs volunteers who have just got their P-plates to take part.

“Understanding the challenges and risks young novice drivers face during the first few months of driving is important in reducing these risks,” Dr Brett Molesworth from UNSW Science’s School of Aviation says.

The Associate Professor is an expert in Human Factors and Aviation Safety, has an applied background in the area of road safety and a PhD in Psychology. He says drivers under the age of 25 are overrepresented in motor vehicle accidents: they make up just 15 per cent of the driving population, yet

/Public Release.