The latest Reef Trust Water Quality Achievements report is out now. It highlights how projects are reducing run-off to improve water quality. Project snapshots show innovation and teamwork are making positive outcomes for Reef water quality. There are also benefits to land management and farm productivity.
People and groups are working together to support the Great Barrier Reef. Learn about projects delivered in partnership with:
- Natural Resource Management groups
- Traditional Owners
- farmers
- landholders.
Nutrient and sediment run-off from the land contribute to poor water quality. Improving the quality of water flows is crucial to protecting the Reef. Poor water quality not only impacts the Reef’s health. It also affects its ability to resist and recover from climate change, natural disasters, and other threats.
Some highlights from this year include:
- managing erosion to prevent thousands of tonnes of fine sediment from reaching the Reef
- stabilising stream banks through revegetation
- restricting livestock from riparian areas through increased fencing
- reducing nitrogen and pesticides run-off through on-ground changes with farmers and landholders.
We invest in various water quality improvement projects through the Reef Trust, this supports the long-term health of the Great Barrier Reef.
Read the Reef Trust Water Quality Achievements report – 2024.