The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) has announced changes to its board.
New appointments Tim Sarah FAICD and Maree Arnason FAICD become Divisional Directors in South Australia and Western Australia respectively.
Mr Sarah takes up the role of SA Division Director, effective immediately. He replaces Dr Susan Neuhaus AM CSC whose term expired on 31 December 2023.
Tim Sarah is a long standing Fellow of the AICD. He has extensive experience as a board member and chair in the community and for-purpose sectors. He has been an AICD Division Councillor for SA since 2022 and SA Division President since September 2023.
Maree Arnason will be replacing Derek La Ferla as the WA Division Director effective from 20 March 2024 when Mr La Ferla retires from the Board.
Ms Arnason is a non-executive director with extensive executive and board experience in the natural resources industry and she also has a significant record in the not-for-profit sector.
The AICD extends our thanks and appreciation to the outgoing directors Dr Neuhaus and Mr La Ferla, for the outstanding commitment and contribution they have each displayed during their terms.
AICD chair John Atkin FAICD paid tribute to Dr Neuhaus and Mr La Ferla and congratulated Mr Sarah and Ms Arnason on their appointments, saying the Institute was looking forward to the expertise, specialist skills and insights that Mr Sarah and Ms Arnason would bring to the boardroom.
Tim Sarah FAICD
Tim Sarah is a current member of the SA Divisional Council and has been Division President since September 2023.
Mr Sarah is joint managing director of the Sarah Group of four privately owned businesses operating in South Australia’s construction industry. The company was established by Mr Sarah’s grandfather in 1961 and as it enters its fourth generation of operation is the largest commercial builder in the state.
Tim has a background in accountancy and has responsibility for the Sarah Group’s strategic direction, is Chair of the advisory board and manages the performance of the businesses and leadership teams.
Tim has deep experience in the for-purpose sector. He is Chair of Anglicare SA, which provides support services for South Australians in need with programs in disability, community services, aged care and community housing. He is also a Board Member and Chair of Anglicare Housing SA.
He is a past Council Member of the Master Builders Association of SA and the Small Business Development Council.
Maree Arnason FAICD
Maree Arnason is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, is a current WA Division Councillor, a member of AICD’s Corporate Governance Committee and a previous participant in the AICD ASX-200 Chair’s Mentoring Program and WA’s Director Pipeline Program.
Ms Arnason has over 35 years’ experience across the natural resources, energy and manufacturing sectors with companies including BHP Billiton, Carter Holt Harvey, Svenska Cellulosa AB and Wesfarmers Energy. In her executive and board roles she has worked across the full scope of resources and commodities, with expertise in strategy, sustainability, risk, corporate affairs, stakeholder relations, transformations, divestments and integrations.
Maree is an independent non-executive director of ASX-200 Gold Road Resources Limited and is Chair of their Risk and ESG Committee, a NED of ASX Ardea Resources Limited and ASX VHM Limited and a Co-founder of Energy Access Services, a digital trading platform for WA wholesale gas buyers and sellers.
She also has a significant record in the not-for-profit sector.
Previously Maree served on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Corporate Governance Consultative Panel and Director Advisory Panel and the WA State Advisory Council for CEDA. Maree is a National Life member of the Australian China Business Council, a member of Chief Executive Women and, in 2018 she was recognised as one of the Top 100 Global Inspiration Women in Mining.