AMRAB sets the Medical Research Future Fund’s Priorities for 2024-2026

Department of Health

comprises experts from the health and medical research sector and highly regarded community representatives who have contributed to advancing Australian research.

AMRAB develops the Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities every 2 years to inform government decisions on MRFF investments. In finalising the 12 priorities for 2024-2026, AMRAB considered:

  • the burden of disease on the Australian community
  • how to deliver practical benefits from medical research and innovation to as many Australians as possible
  • how to ensure the MRFF complements and enhances other forms of financial assistance for medical research and innovation.

AMRAB also took into consideration:

Read the Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2024-2026.

Find out what stakeholders told us during the consultation.

Learn about the MRFF’s strategy and priorities.

/Media Release. View in full here.