Born Global: Australian music exports is the first comprehensive report examining the cultural and economic value of Australian music exports. It estimates that the Australian music industry makes $195 million from international markets each year.
The report is based on a three year research project conducted by the University of Newcastle and Monash University, in partnership with Sounds Australia, APRA AMCOS and the Australia Council for the Arts. The research was funded by the Australian Research Council as an Industry Linkage project. The Research Team comprised: Professor Richard Vella (University of Newcastle); Professor Stephen Chen (University of Newcastle); Associate Professor Shane Homan (Monash University); Tracy Redhead (University of Newcastle); and Millie Millgate (Sounds Australia).
Live performance still generates the largest proportion of income, and export success is strongest in established markets such as the USA, UK and Germany. This points to an opportunity in markets such as the Asia-Pacific rim and South America. Export income is highly concentrated, with 10% of artists accounting for 97% of total export income.
Australia is relatively strong in terms of its music exports, however governments around the world are increasingly investing in strategies to maximise the success of their artists, help them get ‘export ready’ and support their international promotion.
The full report is 309 pages long and can be accessed here.
The Australia Council’s summary report is 24 pages long and can be accessed here.