Central QLD planting window research published in international journal


Researchers Paul Grundy, Gail Spargo and Kerry Bell of the Qld Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Stephen Yeates of CSIRO have had their CRDC-supported research into changing the Central QLD season to reduce climate risk published in the journal Field Crops Research.

This R&D project was impactful for cotton growers in Central QLD: helping them overcome climate challenges by changing their cotton season. The project resulted in yield increases of 40 per cent, with the project’s benefit-cost ratio calculated at 17.1 – a $17.10 benefit to growers for every $1 invested.

For a limited time, the Field Crops Research article is freely available here. A summary of the research and its impacts can also be read in the Autumn 2017 edition of our Spotlight magazine.

/Public Release. View in full here.