Farmers for Climate Action thanks Minister Watt, welcomes Minister Collins


Farmers for Climate Action has thanked outgoing Agriculture Minister Murray Watt for his constructive approach to sustainable agriculture and pollution reduction.

Farmers for Climate Action represents 8300 farmers across the nation.

Farmers for Climate Action CEO Natalie Collard said Minister Watt listened to and understood the challenges farmers’ faced in combating climate change, and that pollution reduction across the economy is critical for farmers’ futures.

“Minister Watt has been a highly capable and constructive Minister, and we thank him for his service,” Ms Collard said.

“We particularly thank him for working closely with agriculture and with Farmers for Climate Action on the net zero sector plans. Minister Watt worked together with the sector in recognition that agriculture brings a range of solutions to emissions reduction, and needs time and investment to reduce pollution. We wish him well in his new portfolio.”

Ms Collard applauded Prime Minister Albanese’s decision to invest more resources in Australian agriculture through the appointment of Minister Julie Collins and Assistant Minister, Senator Anthony Chisolm, to the portfolio.

“Agriculture has never been more important to Australia’s future, and the appointment of an Assistant Minister reflects this. Minister Collins brings a firm knowledge of Agriculture from her previous experience as Shadow Minister, as well as an important Tasmanian perspective. We welcome her leadership. We look forward to working with her as Minister,” Ms Collard said.

“There are several challenges facing agriculture if we are to keep farmers farming, such as reducing pollution across the economy this decade to protect our farmers and our food supply, providing income from biodiversity work, and creating drought-proof income as we get more droughts and floods made worse by climate change.

“We look forward to meeting with Minister Collins to discuss these important issues and how we can work together towards a prosperous future for Australian farmers.”

Ms Collard also welcomed new Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Josh Wilson.

/Public Release.