Green Party appalled by woeful Government offer to school support staff

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

Support staff across Aotearoa have been dealt yet another devastating blow with the release of the latest collective agreement offer from the Government.

The proposed settlement offers a 0% pay increase to the vast majority of staff and caps increases for others at a mere 1.25%. On top of this, no commitments have been made on critical issues such as sick leave, job security, professional learning and development, or mileage.

“This appalling offer is a slap in the face to the essential support staff who keep our schools running,” says the Green Party’s Education Spokesperson, Dr Lawrence Xu-Nan.

“These staff members are essential to the education, care, and stewardship of our tamariki and rangatahi every single day. Today’s offer shows how little the government values their contribution.

“This offer doesn’t just fall short; it outright dismisses the value of education as a fundamental public good. We cannot continue to treat the public services we all rely on as a business with constant cost and corner-cutting. This approach will come at a serious expense to our communities.

“This offer speaks to the lack of care and consideration this Government has for anything that isn’t tax cuts for the wealthy. Prioritising trickle-down tax cuts at the expense of our schools, children, and communities sets a dangerous precedent.

“The Green Party stands with support staff in their call for a fair and equitable resolution that reflects the essential role they play in the education sector. It’s time for the government to put words into action and invest in the future of tamariki in Aotearoa by respecting and properly compensating the staff who support them,” says Dr Lawrence Xu-Nan.


  • The pay increase offer amounts to a zero increase to members on all bands who would otherwise receive a step increase during the next three years. Those who are at the maximum available step/grade, and those at the bottom (Grade A Step 1) of the teacher aide scale, are being offered 1.25% + 1% + 1% each year for a three-year term.
  • Under this offer, the majority of aides would get nothing more for the next three years than they would receive anyway through annual progression. For example, more than 85% of teacher aides would not receive a pay rise under the Government’s offer.
  • The Ministry has advised that aides should view their annual salary progression steps as their ‘pay rise’.

/Public Release. View in full here.