Mayor Paul Maytom Awarded Two Prestigious Local Government NSW Awards

Leeton Shire Council

The Local Government NSW (LGNSW) President, Cr Linda Scott, who is also the President of the Australian Local Government Association, took great delight in awarding Mayor Paul Maytom two significant awards at Council’s October 2021 Ordinary Council meeting, the:

· Emeritus Mayor and Lapel Pin – in recognition of service to the people through local government in NSW in the position of Mayor.

· LGNSW Excellence Award – in appreciation of his exceptional service, outstanding achievement and significant contribution to advancing the goals of the local government sector.

In what was a surprise video link to the Council meeting, Cr Linda Scott addressed the meeting via zoom to congratulate Mayor Maytom on his long and dedicated service to Leeton and the local government sector. Ms Scott reflected on Mayor Maytom’s legacy, particularly his:

· Extraordinary contribution to Leeton and local government across NSW and outstanding model of leadership

· 34 years of dedicated service as a Councillor, 16 of those as Mayor (making him the longest serving Mayor and Councillor in the Shire’s history)

· Passion for the community and in particular an open heart and open mind to bringing in refugees, migrants and others, welcoming them into the community and providing every practical support that he possibly could – an outstanding model of leadership

· Significant advocacy for sensible water policy when the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was implemented

· Championing the attraction of businesses to Leeton, including big businesses such as Riverina Beef (now JBS) which helped close the gap when Letona closed

· Ardent advocacy for funding for the Shire, including the new showground grandstand, road and footpath funding, Roxy, Pool, Stadium, Leeton Museum and Gallery and a range of CBD upgrade works

· Representation on many committees, from interagency groups, to community groups, environmental groups, health groups and various water groups, including serving as Chairman of the Murray-Darling Association Region 9 for around 8 years.

· Strong voice for pedestrian and road safety.

In her closing statement, Ms Scott said to Mayor Maytom, “On behalf of NSW and the Australian local governments, 34 years is an extraordinary record. Your legacy will live far beyond Leeton and we are so grateful for everything and it is an honour to have known you”.

Mayor Paul Maytom has announced he will not be nominating for Council at the December 2021 council elections.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Mayor Maytom said, “This is my second last meeting as Mayor and I am truly surprised and humbled by these awards.

“I have given my heart and soul to the role as I love Leeton Shire and am so thankful for, and proud of, Leeton’s success.

“Being Mayor has been an honour and, while it has been extremely busy personally, I could not have achieved what has been achieved without a very good and supportive Council, staff and family,” he said.

Mayor Maytom acknowledged his fellow Councillors as “an excellent Council” and said that by working so well together they had been able to deliver so much for the Shire’s community and business sector.

“I thank my fellow Councillors and the community for putting their faith in me.

“Together we can all be proud of what we have achieved in Leeton,” added Mayor Maytom.

General Manager Jackie Kruger, who has worked with Mayor Maytom for six years, said it was ‘a very special’ moment to honour a councillor and Mayor who has worked so tirelessly for the community.

She said Mayor Maytom would leave a long-lasting legacy and was a very worthy recipient of these prestigious local government sector awards.

“It has been a privilege to work for Mayor Paul Maytom who is a champion for community, a champion for business, a champion for sports and culture and a champion for the environment,” said Mrs Kruger.

“When people meet our Mayor for the first time, they usually say, “Now there is a man with fire in his belly” and it’s that fire that has driven so many wonderful results for Leeton.”

Mrs Kruger looks forward to issuing the final business papers for this term of Council with the words Emeritus Mayor on the front cover.

“Cr Paul Maytom is so very, very deserving of this title and it will be good to see Emeritus Mayor in print on the business papers,” she said.

/Public Release. View in full here.