The new MidCoast Sustainability Centre which was officially opened last week will host a free open day for the community to celebrate National Recycling Week.
The event will be held between 9am and 3pm Saturday, 16 November and the community are invited to attend.
There will be free coffee, workshops, music, stalls, and kids’ activities throughout the day.
While it is a perfect opportunity to spread awareness about the importance of recycling it is also a great chance to check out the recently constructed and impressive Sustainability Centre.
MidCoast Council Waste Manager, Dave Rees, said he was looking forward to unveiling the centre to the community.
“This is something we are very proud of and very excited to share with the community and what better time to do it than during National Recycling Week?” he asked.
“The aim is for the centre to be a hub for environmental and community education and features a community garden, a men’s shed, workshop areas and an outdoor area.
“Moving forward the centre will host workshops to teach effective waste sorting, recyclable material identification and creative repurposing of items.
“We will collaborate with local schools through tailored programs and tours to aim to incorporate sustainability practices into the curriculum while workshops for businesses will focus on reducing packaging waste and implementing sustainable operations.”
If you would like to participate in one of the workshops on the day make sure to register at
The Sustainability Centre was made possible through the Australian and NSW Governments Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.