Next steps approved for proposed Golden Square Planning Scheme Amendment

The proposed C270gben Planning Scheme Amendment which covers Golden Square, part of Ironbark and part of the city centre will be referred to an independent planning panel, following last Monday’s Council meeting.

Amendment C270gben proposes to implement the Golden Square Structure Plan 2022, Golden Square Urban Design Framework 2022 and the Golden Square Heritage Study, Volumes 1 and 2 by:

  • Rezoning land from General Residential Zone and Industrial 1 Zone to Industrial 3 Zone
  • Updating the heritage controls by deleting 31 heritage overlays
  • Revising the precinct boundaries for four heritage precincts — inserting 12 new heritage precincts and applying the Heritage Overlay to 32 new, individually significant heritage places. In many cases, these are replacing the Heritage Overlays proposed to be deleted
  • Applying the Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 34 to properties around Golden Square Neighbourhood Activity Centre
  • Deleting the Neighbourhood Character Overlay from properties with an existing or proposed Heritage Overlay
  • Updating existing local planning policies relating to settlement, activity centres, urban forest interface, landscaping, location of residential development, business, industrial land supply, public transport, freight links, social and cultural infrastructure, and open space and public land to incorporate relevant strategies from the Golden Square Structure Plan 2022
  • Inserting new local planning policies relating to walking, cycling, health facilities and cultural facilities to incorporate relevant strategies from the Golden Square Structure Plan 2022
  • Updating operational provisions to introduce incorporated and background documents, new maps and revise further strategic work clauses to reflect the work undertaken as part of this amendment

The proposed amendment was on public exhibition for four weeks from August 15 to September 16, and two information sessions were held. Letters were also sent to affected property owners and occupiers to explain the proposed changes and how it would affect individual properties or land.

Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf said as part of the C270gben process, overlays and zones were reviewed, and new changes proposed.

The proposed amendment’s aim is to implement the Golden Square Structure Plan and Urban Design Framework by creating a thriving town centre, unlocking the development potential as well as updating the existing heritage controls so that the places and areas of heritage significance are protected,” Cr Metcalf said.

Twenty submissions were received from landowners, planning consultants and referral authorities. Six submissions supported or requested no changes to the amendment. The remaining submissions requested changes to either the Heritage Overlay, industrial rezoning or local planning policies.

Eight submissions have not been resolved, and these will be considered next March by an independent planning panel appointed by the Minister for Planning.

/Public Release. View in full here.