NSW DPI varroa mite update

The NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) yesterday confirmed three new detections of Varroa mite, to 6pm on Thursday 7 July 2022.

The new detections at Campvale, Holmeville and Glen Oak, all fall within existing emergency zones, and bring the total number of infested premises to 34, since Varroa mite was first identified during routine surveillance at the Port of Newcastle on Wednesday 22 June.

NSW DPI has established emergency zones around the infested premises and has put significant measures in place to eradicate Varroa mite in NSW.

As per the agreed response plan with industry, NSW DPI has commenced euthanising all hives and equipment within existing emergency zones and is undertaking tracing activities.

As at 6pm yesterday, 1,693 hives have been euthanised.

NSW DPI’s efforts to arrest the Varroa mite spread are being assisted by the apiary industry, Local Land Services (LLS), NSW Police, NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the wider community.

Further Information

Throughout NSW, no beehives or honeybees may be moved without a permit.

/Public Release. View in full here.