Premier Rockliff’s weakness has reached an extraordinary new level after it was revealed he has failed to step in despite his Leader of Government Business, Leonie Hiscutt, openly defying party rules to campaign against the Liberals in the upcoming Montgomery election.
According to the Liberal Party’s constitution, Ms Hiscutt’s clear breach means she has automatically ceased to be a member of the party.
It is extraordinary that the Premier has become so weak he continues to let Ms Hiscutt lead his government in the Legislative Council while she campaigns against him. Now it’s been exposed, every day he continues to keep her in the tent only makes him look weaker and weaker.
Brendan Blomeley was automatically expelled from the Liberal Party for simply refusing to rule out running as an independent during the state election, yet the Premier is watching on as one of his MLCs openly campaigns against him.
If the Premier was consistent, which he isn’t, he would have little choice but to cut Ms Hiscutt loose.
But after losing control of the parliament and leading his government into minority Premier Rockliff is clearly not in a position to do anything about it.
If the Premier was a strong leader, he’d put a stop to this and stand Ms Hiscutt down now and not let her see out her last months in the Legislative Council as a Liberal campaigning for a rival candidate.
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer