Privacy impact assessment for Future Census consultation

10 December 2024: This privacy impact assessment replaces Privacy impact assessment for using software to gather and analyse feedback for a summary of submissions about Future Census consultation which was published on 12 June 2024.

In this renamed version, we’ve updated our risk assessment and privacy recommendations to reflect new ways of collecting submissions on Future Census at community events.

Privacy impact assessment (PIA) for gathering and analysing submissions on Future Census consultation.

Download the document below, or read the recommendations and summary online.

Stats NZ privacy team’s recommendations

We recommend that:

  • You ensure there is a privacy statement and sentence asking submitters not to include personal information about themselves or anyone else in any free text fields. (Recommendation has been partially completed.)
  • As the data collected will be stored on the Australian cloud, information about this will need to be included in the privacy statement/consultation documents to ensure people are aware the data they give Stats NZ for this specific survey is held offshore. (Completed.)
  • Stats NZ’s security team should assess the use of Croissant and complete any steps provided for its use. (Completed.)
  • You ensure there is a secure SharePoint site for raw MS Forms responses, any further analysis, and any other documents related to these responses to be stored. The form should be created in/attached to an MS Team rather than an individual’s Forms app. Then the forms and responses will be stored in the Team’s SharePoint site which will help with the secure storage location requirement and the 10-year retention period. (Ongoing.)
  • MS Forms responses held in staff OneDrive (where staff have created forms without changing the response target location) will need to be either deleted or moved to a team SharePoint location. (Completed.)


The Transformation and Future Census Engagement Project published a consultation paper Modernising our approach to the 2028 Census: Discussion document for public consultation on the Stats NZ website in May. The consultation will run from 8 May-18 June 2024.

The paper discusses the 2028 Census approach and invites submissions and feedback from individuals and organisations. Any interested member of the public is able to complete a submission of feedback. This feedback can then be considered in the design of the 2028 Census.

July 2024 update

Throughout the consultation period, the Community Engagement team gathered information at community events as part of a wider Future Census engagement initiative. As part of this, submissions were collected using a different process that better reflected the context of these events and the expectations of our partners and stakeholders (organisations, Iwi, etc).

Approximately 50-60 responses were collected through this process and these responses will be included in the overall summary.

To ensure we appropriately understand and mitigate the risks involved in processes like this, we have included an update to the risk summary later in the document and updated the recommendations.

Key differences

  • Collection: This targeted engagement used similar questions to the original form, but some changes were made to reflect the context they were collected in. All information gathered except ‘Date and Time of Engagement’ was optional. The form included fields for:
    • Name
    • Employment information
      • Organisation name
      • Title
    • Date and time of Engagement
    • Consultation-related questions:
      • Agreement rating for the statement ‘I trust Stats NZ to keep my information safe’.
      • What [stakeholder] would need to see to know that Stats NZ would keep data safe.
      • Anything else [stakeholder] would like to share about how we keep information safe.
      • What is important to [stakeholder] about the data and statistics produced through census.
      • What matters to [stakeholder ] about the design and evaluation process of surveys.
    • Free-text box for anything else [stakeholders] would like to share.
  • Storage: Submissions received from these community events will be stored in the Census Engagement Repository, a record of Census Transformation Engagements managed by the Statistical Change & Assurance team. A separate PIA has been completed for the repository. Personal information is not retained in an identifiable form in the Census Engagement Repository.
  • Notice: Information was provided to stakeholders through a short presentation, with limited details about the collection of information. Personal information collected through this part of the consultation process is not retained in an identifiable form in the Census Engagement Repository (a separate PIA was completed for this storage method).

ISBN 978-1-991307-33-0

/Stats NZ Public Release. View in full here.