Saleyards precinct referred to independent panel

The delivery of a new residential precinct at the former saleyards in North Geelong is a step closer, with City of Greater Geelong Councillors referring all submissions on the proposal to an independent panel for consideration.

Last night, Councillors resolved to refer all submissions on Amendment C434ggee to an independent Panel appointed by the Minister for Planning, with the hearing scheduled to be held from 28 November 2022.

Amendment C434ggee implements the Saleyards Precinct Plan into the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme.

The plan sets out the background, design principles, land use and layout to transition the saleyards precinct to a proposed mixed-use high density residential precinct.

Following an amended motion from Cr Anthony Aitken, Council also resolved to advise the Panel that Council supports high density development within the precinct of up to 10 storeys, subject to appropriate design and siting outcomes and all applications above six storeys require a planning notice process.

The site also includes the former Target headquarters, and other adjoining undeveloped land.

A percentage of the total housing delivered across the precinct is proposed to be set aside for social housing.

A total of 15 submissions were received during the public submission process from 16 June 2022 to 25 July 2022. Two submissions support the amendment without change; nine supported the amendment with changes; and four submissions objected.

Council officers will endeavour to further resolve any issues raised by submitters in the lead up to a Panel hearing.

Mayor Peter Murrihy

It’s really important that we get this right and ensure everyone’s views can be heard. By referring the submissions to an independent panel, we can ensure an open and accountable process.

Councillor Aitken

The proposal attempts to use a unique infill site within Geelong to create a high-density and diverse affordability housing showcase to address our rapid population growth now and in the future.

Under the proposal by Council, the proposed planning process will enable community feedback on all applications greater than six storeys in height, before council makes a final decision on the appropriateness of those plans.

/Public Release. View in full here.