Scott Morrison launches war on fathers

Men's Rights Agency

By announcing yet another inquiry into Australia’s dysfunctional family law and child support systems, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has effectively launched a war on our nation’s fathers, Sue Price, spokeswoman for Men’s Rights, one of Australia’s longest running family law reform groups, claims. 

“We can now expect the armada of taxpayer funded feminist lobby groups to mount a concerted campaign badmouthing fathers for months on end, all opposed to even the slightest reform of child support and family law. 

“Yet anyone who has ever been near the Family Court knows just how damaging the system is to all concerned, mothers, fathers and children. Family law is a multi-billion dollar cash cow for lawyers and the associated service providers. The Family Court is not known colloquially as the Palace of Lies for nothing. 

“The Howard government held an extensive inquiry into family law and child support in the early 2000s, including interviews in cities and regional centres across the country. Hundreds of parents and grandparents poured out their hearts to the Committee either in person or by submission. At the end of the day, in the final report all their evidence was dismissed in a single sentence. And here we go again.” 

“Morrison has no doubt launched this inquiry for electoral gain. But what possible gain is there in unleashing a tidal wave of anti-father propaganda from Public Service ideologues, the liars, lawyers, bureaucrats and social engineers who infest this area of public policy. The portrayal of perfectly decent, ordinary working men as patriarchal abusers is one of the greatest intellectual deceits of our times; a deceit perpetuated by Canberra’s bureaucrats. “

“Women’s groups receive literally billions of dollars of government funding in this country, while fathers receive almost nothing,” Ms Price said. “Morrison vowed he and his government would burn every single day for the Quiet Australians who put him into office. No section of society is more damaged by family law and child support than the tradies and working fathers who put Morrison into office. And they and their children will not be heard.”

/Public Release.