Seeking Community Feedback on transport planning for Bundaberg

Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services The Honourable Bart Mellish

A study to inform the staging of transport and land use initiatives in the Bundaberg Regional Council area will be released for community feedback in late 2024.

  • It is envisioned that the future transport network will be accessible and responsive to a wide range of users and their transport needs, while continuing to support economic opportunities in the region.
  • The study was jointly funded by Bundaberg Regional Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR).

A study to inform the staging of transport and land use initiatives in the Bundaberg Regional Council area will be released for community feedback in late 2024.

The study, jointly funded by TMR and Bundaberg Regional Council, contains a wide range of initiatives to support the vision for the Bundaberg community, including being connected by a single, inclusive and integrated transport network.

It is intended that the future transport network will embrace technology innovations to become accessible and responsive to a wide range of users and their transport needs, while continuing to support economic opportunities in the region. It would also contribute to improved lifestyle and liviblity in the region.

The draft Bundaberg Integrated Transport Strategy will be available for community members to review and provide feedback in late 2024. The Strategy will provide a roadmap of transport and land use initiatives over the short, medium and long term.

The joint study established transport and land use initiatives around seven key areas, namely:

    • Bundaberg CBD Revitalisation
    • Active and public transport connectivity in and around the Bundaberg CBD and surburbs
    • Efficient access to the new Bundaberg Hospital
    • Suitable transport networks to support residential growth areas
    • Providing a safe and resilient transport network that can adapt to a changing climate
    • Improved access for freight and general traffic to the Port of Bundaberg and the associated State Development Area
    • Protecting and managing the preferred freight transport network in the Bundaberg Region.
/Public Release. View in full here.