Senator the Hon Malarndirri McCarthy Television Interview Today Show

Minister for Indigenous Australians

Subjects: Cost of living, protests, Anti-Semitism, Queensland budget.

KARL STEFANOVIC, HOST: Welcome back to the show. Peter Dutton has for the first time gained a significant lead over Anthony Albanese as preferred PM amid growing frustration over the cost of living. Joining us to discuss, Northern Territory Senator Malarndirri McCarthy and political strategist Scott Emerson. Malarndirri, wow, look at your hair. You look amazing.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY, MINISTER FOR INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS: Good morning. This is what happens when I can stay in the Northern Territory for more than a week.

KARL STEFANOVIC: I might go up there, the humidity would do amazing things for what little I have. Look, first up, 50% of voters fear inflation will get worse in the near future. And with prices staying high under the Albanese Government, you have some massive dramas heading to this next election.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: We are working hard every single day, Karl. I’ve just been in the East Kimberleys and across the top end of the Northern Territory working on our policies, rolling out jobs in terms of First Nations communities. I know it’s going to be tough. The Prime Minister knows it’s going to be tough. But we also know that Australians can see we are doing everything we can to bring it down.

KARL STEFANOVIC: I just don’t think they believe you, that’s all.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: Well, I think – when I look at the polls, Karl, and I think I’ve talked to you about this over the years. You know, when we went into the 2019 election, every poll said we were going to win. The reality is you have to work every single day right up and the only poll that does really count, and I believe that, especially after that loss, is the one on election day.

KARL STEFANOVIC: That’s generally what people say when they’re behind.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: Well, we’ve got good reason though. You look at what happened with Labor, you know, going into 2019. So, I think that’s an important point. We will not stop working right up until then and beyond if we are successful.

KARL STEFANOVIC: Alright. The question is, I guess on the other flip side of all of this, Scott, can Peter Dutton really bring prices down?

SCOTT EMERSON: Well look what they think, I think the public, is that they want someone to do something and they will vote for change because I think they think the Albanese Government can’t do that. Malarndirri talked about polling. Well, every research I’ve seen shows when voters are asked what the Albanese Government has done for them, people can’t name a single thing. And they now, this poll has come out saying they think that prices will go up. I think they’ll vote for change. That’s a problem that Albanese Government’s facing. That’s what we’ve seen across the world over the last couple of months.

KARL STEFANOVIC: Yeah, and that must worry you Malarndirri.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: Look, Karl, I’m working on food security across Australia in First Nations communities. We are certainly doing exactly that, trying to improve the cost of living in the portfolio areas that I have. But I also know my colleagues, we’ve talked about cheaper childcare, we’ve worked on the health sector in terms of rolling out the Urgent Care Clinics across the country.

KARL STEFANOVIC: I get that, that’s important work.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: We know that that matters.

KARL STEFANOVIC: All right, look, I just think at some point the public go, that’s enough. Moving on. And 30,000 activists are threatening to shut down Melbourne on Sunday, likely disrupting the Australian Open men’s singles, Malarndirri, is it time, do you think, for pro-Palestinian protesters to park it?

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: It’s interesting, isn’t it? I mean, we are a democracy. Whatever the rally or protest is, we enable that, we allow that, so long as it’s peaceful and respectful. Police across every jurisdiction in the country know they have to be prepared. Rally organisers, whoever they may be, also know they need to consult to be able to have access to those streets. Come on, let’s be mindful that these rallies, so long as they are held in a respectful manner, in a peaceful manner, they are part of our democratic way of life.

KARL STEFANOVIC: Ok, but given how slow you were on the anti-Semitic crackdown.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: Well, we haven’t been. This has been interesting reading this from up north. You know, when we see that the Coalition had no support for us, or certainly when they were in government, in terms of trying to reduce the hate that was across Australia through the laws that were being introduced. We’ve certainly introduced laws ourselves now, in terms of the Nazi salute, in terms of doxxing, we have done everything we possibly can within the parliamentary system and the Prime Minister has been out there, Karl, and you’re only repeating what the Coalition is asking you to.

KARL STEFANOVIC: I’m not repeating it, I’m just. I mean, if you, if you make inroads and say this week, for example, that you’re going to do additional things and you haven’t done them before now, that means that you haven’t done enough before that. Right? As it stands to reason.

MALARNDIRRI McCARTHY: We have to continue working. I mean, we have seen something terribly tragic occur in the last couple of weeks, in particular this week in Sydney. We’ve heard the Prime Minister and the AFP speak on what’s going on in the country. These are new developments.

KARL STEFANOVIC: People don’t feel safe right. OK, Scott, just finally, I was looking at the front page of the Courier Mail this morning, as I like doing. There’s a big pile of debt building behind you. Can you see it over your shoulder?

SCOTT EMERSON: I think the picture’s not big enough for the amount of debt that Labor’s left Queensland.

KARL STEFANOVIC: It’s Labor’s fault. When is the Coalition going to get control of it?

SCOTT EMERSON: Well, look, so the big statement today from the Treasurer, David Janetzki. But look, this has been a massive con job by the previous Labor government. It really deceived Queenslanders about how big the debt and deficit was going to be. I guess today we’ll see the real figures come out. And it’s a massive job facing the Crisafulli Government now to try to deal with it. But let’s not forget this has been left by Labor after 10 years and they didn’t tell the truth to the public before the election.

KARL STEFANOVIC: All right. Good to talk to you two. Appreciate your time today. Thank you so much.

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