Supercars Champion Will Brown Receives Keys To City

Toowoomba’s Will Brown is the reigning Australian Supercars champion and the latest recipient of Toowoomba Regional Council’s top civic honour, who is as comfortable working in his family’s car business as he is hurtling around the race track winning titles.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald today (January 23, 2025) presented the ceremonial Keys to the City to Will at a civic reception attended by his family at Toowoomba City Hall.

Mayor McDonald said the presentation recognised Will’s outstanding results on the racing track in 2024, which saw him emulate the 1984 feat of Dick Johnson by featuring on the podium at each race across the Supercars season.

“Council and many of our Region’s residents were thrilled with Will’s incredible results during the 2024 Supercars season, which culminated in him winning the sport’s coveted Australian title,” Mayor McDonald said.

“Presenting the Keys to the City recognises Will’s success on the track last year, plus the years of training and fine-tuning of his skills that led to his most successful year to date.

“We celebrate that success and wish Will the best of luck as his prepares to suit up for another year of intense competition in 2025.

/Public Release. View in full here.