Top NSW wine industry award open for nominations

Winegrowers, winemakers and others involved in the New South Wales wine industry such as researchers, educators, leaders and innovators are encouraged to apply for NSW’s most prestigious wine industry accolade, the Graham Gregory Award.

NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Group Director Plant Systems Dr Alison Bowman said the Graham Gregory Award recognises people who are advancing the wine industry, both in NSW and further afield.

“Graham Gregory was a pioneer for the NSW wine industry and a former NSW Deputy Director General in Agriculture. This award, named in his honour, celebrates those that continue to advance the industry and contribute to its success,” said Dr Bowman.

“Individuals involved in any field in the NSW wine industry are encouraged to self-nominate for this esteemed award. Or why not nominate a colleague who you think deserves the title?”

The Award recognises areas such as leadership, research and development, winemaking, education and market development.

It is a retrospective award recognising outstanding contribution from the previous year. The 2021 Award will be presented at the annual ICC Sydney NSW Wine Awards, to be held in Sydney on 28 October 2022.

The 2020 recipient, Liz Riley, owns and operates Vitbit, a viticulture consultancy that provides expert technical and practical advice to vineyard owners across NSW, Australia and the globe.

NSW Wine Industry Association President Mark Bourne said Ms Riley’s significant contribution to the NSW wine industry is unlike any other.

“Her advocacy for the NSW wine industry on research, development, extension and precision viticulture has been a major driver in keeping NSW grape growers and winemakers at the forefront of quality and sustainability,” Mr Bourne said.

Nominations for the 2021 Graham Gregory Award close on Friday 30 September 2022.

The nomination form and more information about the award are available on the DPI website

/Public Release. View in full here.