Latest climate model News

Exports To US To Continue Climbing
Modern Mapping At Mawson 17 April 2024
Cook Government Establishes 2024 Dry Season Taskforce
Premier’s Kimberley package will fail if climate change not addressed
Why is Australia’s east coast copping all this rain right now? An atmospheric scientist explains
AI may develop a huge carbon footprint, but it could also be a critical ally in the fight against climate change
NZ-NASA Research Partnerships Announced
A 20-year ‘mega-drought’ in Australia? Research suggests it’s happened before – and we should expect it again
Grant Received For Resilient Community Assets Program
Gulf water plan review commences as new $4 million Regional Water Assessment announced
Mars attracts: how Earth’s planetary interactions drive deep-sea circulation
Mass extinction: our fossil study reveals which types of species are most at risk from climate change
Understanding Wind and Water at the Equator Key to More Accurate Future Climate Projections
We can’t say yet if grid-breaking thunderstorms are getting worse – but we shouldn’t wait to find out
How does the atmosphere’s washing machine work?
Bureau partners with European Centre to ensure more eyes on Earth
Climate change will impact how fast PV modules degrade: new study finds
Call for next generation of women and girls in science
Top climate researcher talks about climate change in Lower Franconia
Report: Warmer planet will trigger increased farm losses
Climate Change May Make Wildfires Larger, More Common in Southern Appalachian Region
Projections reveal the vulnerability of freshwater to climate change
Cumberland Council launches “Cooling Cumberland
Past gives us glimpse of our future, hotter planet
Dead & Co concert proceeds fund climate solutions
Green policies will maximise photovoltaic potential and minimise future energy costs
Our new high-resolution climate models are a breakthrough in understanding Australia’s future
New research reveals plants may have a surprising capacity to absorb more CO2 than previously expected
Plants are likely to absorb more CO₂ in a changing climate than we thought – here’s why
Why do climate models underestimate polar warming? ‘Invisible clouds’ could be the answer
Our minds handle risk strangely – and that’s partly why we delayed climate action so long
Jurassic worlds might be easier to spot than modern Earth
Microplastics’ shape determines how far they travel in the atmosphere
Measuring sea ice from all angles 23 October 2023
Climate change will affect solar power and grid stability across Australia – here’s how
Warmer climate may impact reliability of solar farms: modelling
Sea ice research from pole to pole 16 October 2023
Likelihood of hail in Australia has changed substantially over the last four decades
Fighting a rare “Super El Niño” in Somalia
Cornell fills data gap for volcanic ash effects on Earth systems
Bradfield’s pipedream: irrigating Australia’s deserts won’t increase rainfall, new modelling shows
What has the Nobel Prize in Physics ever done for me?
Ponds release more greenhouse gas than they store
UNSW launches Institute for Climate Risk & Response
We are poised to pass 1.5℃ of global warming – world leaders offer 4 ways to manage this dangerous time
Devastatingly low Antarctic sea ice may be the ‘new abnormal’, study warns
Failure to freeze: Low Antarctic sea ice may be ‘new abnormal’
Wyangala Dam project not viable and not going ahead