Latest coral bleaching News

‘Stripeys’ Feeling Heat On Great Barrier Reef
Fellows fly for seabirds and wildlife conservation research
How do ecosystems collapse? Our study shows evolution plays a role – and can delay a disaster
Climate Change: What Does ‘locked In’ Mean?
Resilient Reefs Initiative: Phase 2 Launches In Pacific
Coral bleaching is not only heartbreaking, it’s also bad economics
‘Humanity is failing’: official report warns our chance to save the Great Barrier Reef is fast closing
Great Barrier Reef extra water quality funding much needed
Innovative remote sensing model to boost coral reef restoration efforts
ACF To Challenge Woodside’s Scarborough Gas Project 20 August
Dive in: why marine science is an exciting field to work in
Reef’s recording-breaking water temperature demands Australia does more on climate change
Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research shows
Great Barrier Reef coral report shows some regrowth before summer from hell
High coral cover amid intense heatwaves and bleaching? Here’s how both can be true on the Great Barrier Reef
Sunscreens can hurt the marine environment – here’s how to choose one that’s healthy for you and the sea
Great Barrier Reef: Scientific Consensus Statement
Coral Restoration And Adaptation Benefits Challenged
Great Barrier Reef remains off the World Heritage Committee list of in-danger sites, Committee calls for stronger climate action to keep it safe
Gas Expansion Is Recipe For Climate Disaster
Great Barrier Reef still threatened by stubbornly high tree clearing rates in Reef catchments
Fish chomper stoppers could help baby corals rehabilitate reefs
Study reveals how climate patterns contribute to coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef
Less COTS, More Corals
Queensland Coal Mine Fire Avoidable Climate Disaster
Ocean Acidification Turns Fish Off Coral Reefs
Future risk of coral bleaching set to intensify globally
Scientists’ sobering search for places coral might survive
Devastating coral bleaching will be more common, start earlier and last longer unless we cut emissions
New drone imagery reveals 97% of coral dead at a Lizard Island reef after last summer’s mass bleaching
New Gas Continues To Spell Danger For Reef
We have a moral responsibility to help low-income nations restore coral reefs
3D digital twin to enhance understanding of the Great Barrier Reef
The world is watching as Traditional Owners lead the way in Reef protection
Drones offer new perspective on vulnerable tide-exposed coral reefs
Report card shows Great Barrier Reef still has major water pollution problem
Progress towards Great Barrier Reef water quality targets
Drones offer new perspective on vulnerable tide-exposed coral reefs
Promised nature law reform urgently needed so new national EPA not stuck with failed laws
Scientists confirm that WA oceanic reefs avoid mass bleaching
Public Urged To Help Identify Drought-stricken Trees
Budget risks leaving Australia’s oceans and marine life adrift
Gas Strategy Blueprint For Climate Chaos: ACF
Many people are feeling ecological grief. How can we help those whose work puts them at risk?
Leading marine scientists write to PM: reject new coal and gas to save our coral reefs
Fourth Mass Coral Bleaching
It’s time to strike an environmental grand bargain between businesses, governments and conservationists – and stop doing things the hard way
DARING MISSION TO DISCOVER DEEPWATER CORAL ECOSYSTEMS Landmark deep diving expedition uncovers new species in the ‘gin-clear’ Coral Sea