Latest esafety News

Keeping Banking Customers Safe From Financial Abuse
Government welcomes report into Australia’s online safety laws
JACET Charges In Darwin 28 October
JACET Charges In Darwin And Palmerston
JACET Charges In Darwin & Palmerston
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Orders
Federal Court Judgment
Federal Court Judgement
Statement On Federal Court Judgement
Optus data reveals what every parent needs to know about their childrens biggest challenges online
Digital platform regulators release working paper on multimodal foundation models
National Age Restrictions For Digital Platforms
QPS and LGBTQIA+ dating app empowering people to date safely
South Australia Social Media Announcement
eSafety seeks to uphold transparency around child sexual abuse
Three youths to be proceeded against over Snapchat video 
Principals’ Breakfast highlights the urgency of collaborating on online safety
eSafety calls on social media giants to reveal just how many Aussie kids are signing up
New Criminal Laws To Combat Sexually Explicit Deepfakes 21 August
Spotlight on Cyberbullying as complaints and awareness rise
eSafety Statement – Terrorist and extremist material on social media
Teenager charged following robbery investigation, Acacia Ridge
Tech giants to face uncomfortable truths as eSafety compels them to lift their game tackling child abuse
Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2024
Amazon Prime Day scams: How to stay safe while shopping online
JACET Charges In Alice Springs 5 July
New Online Dating Industry Code To Improve Safety
New industry codes to protect children from online pornography
Clock ticking for online industry to come up with plan to protect Aussie kids from porn
Addressing Youth Crime On Social Media Platforms
Industry standards to tackle worst-of-the-worst online content a key step closer
AFP and eSafety launch new resource to help protect Australian children from diverse backgrounds
Calling all himfluencers: Young men need positive, diverse role models
eSafety partners with the European Commission to support enforcement of online safety regulations
Statement from the eSafety Commissioner re: Federal Court proceedings
New Criminal Laws To Combat Sexually Explicit Deepfakes
Basic Online Safety Expectations amendments to help keep industry accountable
ESafety Budget Estimates Opening Statement
Electoral commissions in Australia ramp up efforts to protect staff from online harm
Online safety expectations to boost transparency and accountability for digital platforms
New cross-border roadmap to regulate online harms
eSafety Statement on Federal Court decision
Statement On Federal Court Decision
JACET Charges – Victoria River Region 1 May
announcement of age assurance trial
Reviewing Australia’s Online Safety Laws