Latest FM News | Page 36

2019 New Colombo Plan scholars announced
International day for the elimination of violence against women
The 2017-2018 Consular State of Play
India business partnerships
Boosting our economic ties with India
Global Compact for Migration
Australia: Ambassador to Ethiopia
Timor-Leste to access the Pacific Labour Scheme
Fiji’s 2018 election result
Greater cooperation with Japan
Guilty verdict in Khmer Rouge trials
Australia and New Zealand: Pacific cyber cooperation
Expanding the Pacific Labour Scheme and establishing an Office of the Pacific
Visit to Papua New Guinea for APEC
Australian Co-Chair of the Multinational Observer Group for Fiji’s 2018 Election
Sri Lanka – Political Situation
Australian Defence Force officer appointed to command UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
Strengthening Australia’s commitment to the Pacific
MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Third Inter-Korean Summit
Australia re-elected to ITU Council