Latest monuments News

ANZAC Day 2024 display at Lithgow Library “Our Sacred Places: War Memorials of the Lithgow LGA”
ANZAC Day Projections At City Hall Next Week
CIFAL Curitiba Promoting Girls Participation In Science
Ballarat Heritage Festival’s spectacular program revealed
Public Call-Out For Recognition Of Victorian Women
Grants To Support Truth-telling Initiatives
Track work findings from Mount Rainbow derailment
Party in Parramatta with Sneaky Sound System for NYE
Help name local places and spaces in Baw Baw Shire
Ramses: golden treasures of the superstar pharaoh come to Sydney
Commemorating the unique contribution of women from our community, for our community
Joint Statement by the Presiding Officers on the illumination of Australian Parliament House
Anzac WWI Western Front sites added to UNESCO World Heritage List
Draft Cemeteries Operating Policy
Capacity building on climate action for World Heritage properties
Australia’s hidden Sydney Opera House history | The role of local ingenuity in construction
New archaeological discoveries set to transform understanding of Arthur’s Stone
Call of the huia: how NZ’s bird of the century contest helps us express ‘ecological grief’
In a Stone Age cemetery, DNA reveals a treasured ‘founding father’ and a legacy of prosperity for his sons
History expert thrives in art of gaming
Raine Island beacon restoration project
Source: Travel Photographer – David Kirkland
Playable sculpture brings community together
Happy ancient Roman Mother’s Day
Australia salutes new King
Milton War Memorial refurbished ahead of Anzac Day
Projections to mark ANZAC Day
Recognising Parks Victoria’s Unique Heritage Work
Bike Boy stolen from Hill
Ritual monuments in northern Arabia reveal neolithic ritual activity
Artist Expression of Interest: Portarlington mural project
Bega cemetery event to document flora and fauna
Cardinian Embroidery artwork settles in new home
UN experts: Targeted destruction of Ukraine’s culture must stop
International monument and parklet gets boost
Grants awarded to protect NT heritage
January Exhibitions at NRCG: Ballina Shire
Heritage Study exploring significance of Mildura region sites
‘Hands-on history’ across Campbelltown
Illuminating Fleurieu for first time
Hobart City Council votes for truth telling
New Grafton Waterfront footpath on track
Open House Melbourne: Victorian Family Violence Memorial project
WHO calls on global community to “do one thing” to save lives on World Drowning Prevention Day
Visit ‘Tanderrum ‘ – new artwork by Taungurung artist Steven Rhall in Edinburgh Gardens
Archaeologists carry out first dig at tomb linked to King Arthur
Heritage Committee annual report outlines achievements
Greater Shepparton turns purple for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 14 June