Latest research council News | Page 64

University researchers show how a protein found
QUT researcher at parliamentary inquiry on allergies: Brisbane’s grass pollen season worst on record
Skin moisturizers failed to prevent atopic eczema in babies
New front opened in fight against common cancer driver
Advancing energy storage technologies for Australians
Pioneering academic’s papers get UNESCO status
IVF-conceived children have somewhat higher mortality risk in their first weeks of life
Solar technology breakthrough at UQ
Targeting turncoat immune cells to treat cancer
Gene therapy can protect against ALS and SMA-related cell death
Scientists unlock low-cost material to shape light for industry
Test measures immune response to improve ovarian cancer diagnosis
Backing Our World-Class Medical Researchers
Snoring is in your genes
Mimicking nature for sustainable energy solutions
Research pinpoints rogue cells at root of autoimmune disease
First electrically-driven ‘topological’ laser developed by NTU Singapore and University of Leeds
Ending pain of loneliness
ILR study could help unions protect workers’ mental health
Paving way towards a new anti-inflammatory agent
Older people switch off from machine learning
Administration of Government Grants Public Hearing
Flip flops not as bad for feet as previously thought – new research
A molecular map of brain’s decision-making area
Researchers discover when it’s good to get blues
Could lost photoreceptors be restored?
One in three Australian adults has untreated tooth decay
Dr Renuka Shanmugalingam awarded at APCH2019
$5 million investment for international research to prevent cancer
Limiting alcohol could prevent almost 30,000 cancer cases
Giving newborns with underdeveloped lungs a fighting chance
Greens move to depoliticise research funding
Depressed MS-patients suffer debilitating symptoms earlier
Dementia research must include CALD Australians
Adelaide media call 11 am. Should Australia allow mitochondrial donation?
Energy Flow in Nano Range
Scientists link hormone production in baby wallabies to how some human girls are born with genitalia that appear more male…
Weight-loss surgery cuts risk of major birth defects
Low intelligence linked to suicide risk later in life
Hardship could harm children’s language skills
Keeping crunch in low-fat chips
3D super-resolution helping scientists take a closer look
Jurassic crocodile identified in fossil study
National quantum-themed competition for game designers
Hi-tech bacteria gene tool could prove productive
New pain organ discovered in skin
NHMRC releases updated guidelines: Prevention and control of infection in healthcare
Bubbles hold clue to improved industrial structures