Latest trade union News

Submission On Crimes Amendment Bill
Glam tidings of joy: how Slade made Merry Xmas Everybody a seasonal hit for the ages
Statement From Treasurer 16 December
More Australians In Work As Festive Season Approaches
PSA takes legal action to stop Govt cutting working from home arrangements
Tuesday 10 December
ETU Slams LNP’s Sect 117 WHS Changes
Three ways the UK can get people working again – without punishing them
Banning under-16s from social media may be unconstitutional – and ripe for High Court challenge
It’s Time To End Gender-Based Violence At Work
Access to justice for victims of trafficking must be strengthened, says Special Rapporteur: Guinea-Bissau
Australia ratifies all 10 International Labour Organization Fundamental Conventions
Australia joins global conventions to protect workers’ rights and safety
The best government money can buy? How New Zealanders feel about political party funding
Greens rally against Minns on protest as community stand united
As automation showdowns with workers continue, India’s Kerala state offers an important lesson
There’s a renewed push to scrap junior rates of pay for young adults. Do we need to rethink what’s fair?
Why being like your boss still matters – especially if you share political views
Equal Pay, Equal Rights: Fighting for Pay Equity in Aotearoa
Trade Deal Is No Deal For Workers
ACT Greens Call For Democracy For Union Members
Potential Air Canada pilot strike: Key FAQs and why the anger at pilots is misplaced
Australian Prime Minister Doorstop – Melbourne 6 September
MUA to join and fund High Court challenge to CFMEU Construction administration laws
The University of Manchester accredited as new member of the Good Employment Charter
MUA activists sentenced by NSW court for standing against human rights abuses and murder in Palestine
A Statement from CFMEU Victoria
A Statement From CFMEU NSW
Short-sighted decision to put wellbeing of communities on backburner
Labor and the Liberals cut deal for rushed, deeply flawed legislation
Government says ‘do your bit’ – young workers say ‘do better’
Experts urgently call on Government and businesses to intensify efforts to protect human rights of groups at critical risk: Colombia
High Court grants the ACCC special leave to appeal CFMEU/Hutchinson decision
Opening Of Coles Kemps Creek Distribution Centre
Minorities in Iran have been disproportionally impacted in ongoing crackdown to repress the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, UN Fact-Finding Mission says
Just nine people decide what happens to UK interest rates – but pressure for change is mounting
The UK’s Health and Safety at Work Act is 50. Here’s how it’s changed our lives
First Look At NSW Hydrogen Centre Of Excellence
How to deal with being the youngest in the office
Institutionalised forced labour in North Korea constitutes grave violations of human rights – UN report
Why YIMBYs, NIMBYs, BIMBYs and YIGBYs all matter for democracy and our future cities
Special Rapporteur: Freedom of association eradicated in Belarus
Public spending must boost local jobs and industry
‘Incredibly disappointing’: CFMEU reacts to demerger bill passage
Greens say staggering uni wage theft figures must spark immediate Government action
New grant to KI researchers on mental health in working life
South Australia’s plan to ban political donations raises big risks as well as benefits
Dr Iain Ross Announced As Acting Chair Of NZEA