Weekly Wrap Up – COVID-19 Direction breaches, South Australia

South Australia Police report the breaches of the COVID-19 Directions this week.

The following is the weekly update of the COVID-19 Direction breaches.

7 September

At 5.35pm on Monday 7 September, a man was arrested for breaching the Emergency Management Directions as he did not comply with direction to get his Day 1 COVID-19 test. The man had returned to South Australia from New South Wales and Queensland on 30 August and was directed to self-quarantine at an address in Kuitpo and to receive his Day 1 and 12 COVID-19 tests. He had previously been issued two Expiation Notices on 1 and 5 September for failing to comply with the Emergency Management Directions after breaching self-quarantining restrictions. He was later arrested on the 7 September and refused bail to will appear in court at a later date.

At 2.30pm on Monday 7 September, police attended a hotel in the Western Suburbs where a man was believed to have breached his self-quarantine requirements. The man was directed to self-quarantine at one of the four CBD medi-hotels before commencing work in South Australia but failed to arrive at the CBD hotel. The man was arrested, has been refused bail and will appear in court at a later date.

8 September

At 4.30pm on Tuesday 8 September, police located two people on Franklin St Adelaide who were attempting to travel from Adelaide to Whyalla. Checks revealed they were wanted for failing to comply with the COVID-19 directions. Both people had previously entered South Australia and had failed to self-quarantine for 14 days or take a COVID-19 test within 24 hours of arrival and provided a false declaration. They were arrested, did not apply for bail and will appear in court.

9 September 2020

On Wednesday 9 September, a woman was arrested for breaching the Emergency Management Directions as she did not comply with the direction to self-quarantine. The woman was checked by police on two occasions and was not present at the time. The woman was refused bail and has appeared in court.

10 September

On Thursday 10 September, a woman was stopped by police attempting to board a flight to New South Wales as it was suspected that she failed to comply with the self-quarantine requirements under the Emergency Management Act. The woman from New South Wales has been issued four Expatiation notices for failing to comply with COVID-19 self-quarantine requirements.

11 September

At 7.30am on Friday 11 September, Bordertown Police responded to a man walking around near Bordertown. Police located and arrested the man of no fixed address, for breaching the Emergency Management Act. The man has walked across the border looking to move to South Australia from Victoria. The man is expected to appear in court at a later date.

SA Police would like to remind the public that the COVID-19 Emergency Management Directions are still in place.

If members of the public suspect someone is breaching COVID-19 directions please contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

The following requirements are currently in place under the current COVID-19 Emergency Management Directions.

COVD-19 Testing Requirements

A person who arrives in South Australia from a place outside of South Australia (other than Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania) must submit to a COVID-19 test—

  • Within 24 hours after their arrival in South Australia
  • On the twelfth day after their arrival in South Australia

A person required to submit to a COVID-19 test must not refuse or fail to comply with a reasonable requirement or direction of a person in relation to the conduct of the COVID-19 test.

However, a person who leaves South Australia less than 12 days after their arrival is not required to submit to a COVID-19 test on the twelfth day after their arrival.

This does not apply to the following Essential Travellers who can provide evidence of a test within the preceding 7 days:

  • Emergency services workers
  • Commercial transport and freight—general)
  • Remote or Isolated workers
  • Cross border community members
  • Seasonal workers in an essential sector
  • Commercial transport and freight services—Victorian residents
  • Passing through

It also does not apply for a person under the age of 16 years.

Refer to the Essential traveller table (PDF, 130.7 KB)

Self-Quarantine Requirements

Members of the public are reminded that if they are travelling from NSW, ACT or VIC they are required to self-quarantine for 14-days upon arrival.

If a person is required to self-quarantine they must:

  • Reside and remain in that place, self-quarantined and segregated from other persons, for the period beginning on the day of arrival and ending at midnight on the fourteenth day after arrival into the State; and
  • In the case of you residing and remaining at short term accommodation, you must inform the owner or operator of the accommodation that you are self- quarantining.

You can only leave self-quarantine to obtain urgent medical care or medical supplies, to get tested for COVID-19, or for any other emergency situation.

You must ensure no one else enters or stays at the place you are self-quarantining unless:

  • they usually live there and you need to provide care/support to them, or receive care/support from them, or
  • they are also self-quarantining, or
  • your place of self-quarantine is appropriately set up so you do not have contact with others.

A person travelling into South Australia as an essential traveller they may have different requirements, all essential travellers are encouraged to view the Essential Traveller table for their requirements.

/Public Release. View in full here.