The revised design for Council’s safety upgrade works on High Street in Yea is in!
Murrindindi Shire Council Cheviot Ward Councillor Bec Bowles said with feedback and ideas from almost 70 community members, there has been a number of changes to the original concept design.
“While the big things are the same – like the move to a single lane of traffic in both directions and the development of ‘protected parking lanes’ – community input has shaped some changes that will ensure maximum usability of High Street for vehicles and pedestrians,” Cr Bowles said.
“One of the key changes to the design is the inclusion of extra space between the traffic lane and the protected parking lane. This will ensure larger vehicles can pass comfortably and safely.
“We have also reduced the width of the kerb in front of the petrol station on the south side of High Street to ensure fuel tankers can access the site. The reduction in the kerb width in that area has the added benefit of allowing cars to queue in the protected parking lane instead of the traffic lane during peak times.
“A number of community members suggested the pedestrian ‘crossing point’ proposed, in the original concept design, for in front of the Country Club Hotel might be better placed in front of the supermarket breezeway. After investigating this option, we found we were not able to meet the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) standards at this point. So the revised concept design has this ‘crossing point’ in its original position. Input from the Yea Access and Inclusion Committee has helped us ensure all the pedestrian ‘crossing points’ in the design are as safe and user-friendly as possible for our community members with mobility challenges.