At this week’s Council meeting, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council adopted the 2024-25 Operational Plan, Revenue Policy, Fees and Charges, and Donations Policy alongside the Long-Term Financial Plan.
‘As the second year of the adopted special rate variation, the budget is focused on achieving a break-even operating result and having enough cash to continue to provide services and maintain infrastructure at levels that are acceptable to the community,’ said Deputy Mayor Esma Livermore.
‘Council relies on funding support from the Australian and NSW Governments for many infrastructure upgrades and improvements, and this year’s capital works program is valued at more than $80m, with nearly $30m of that work funded by our water, sewer, and waste funds. The capital works program is funded through a combination of general revenue (rates), grants, developer contributions, loans and reserves.’
Some of the highlights of the 2024-25 capital works program include:
- A major bridge upgrade at Briars Sharrow Road over the Molonglo River, funded by the NSW Government
- Construction of women’s rugby league changerooms at Freebody Oval and improvements to the women’s rugby league changerooms at Seiffert Oval, funded by the Australian and NSW Governments
- Progressing the new Bungendore Swimming Pool design works
- Safety upgrades to the Macs Reef Road and Bungendore Road intersection, funded by the Australian Government Blackspot Program
- Further improvements at the Bungendore Sports Hub, with a new netball building, landscaping, and civil works, funded by the Australian Government
- Fit out and toilets for the recently constructed Queanbeyan Showground Pavilion
- Replacement of the Mulloon Creek causeway, funded by disaster recovery funding and an additional grant under the NSW Government Betterment Fund
- Pre-construction works for the new Queanbeyan Sewage Treatment Plant
- Replacement of the Cooma Street, Queanbeyan water main
- Constructing a second Jerrabomberra water reservoir
Council undertook a 12 month trial which provides free entry for primary school students at all Council swimming pools, which will be continued.
In recognition of the importance of our road network and ongoing need for investment, Council increased the budget for road maintenance and grading by $1.2m which will fund the establishment of a third roads crew to improve the condition of our unsealed road network. A further $2.1m has been allocated to road renewal projects.
Council included an additional $500,000 to increase resources to improve the Development Assessment process, which will provide a fast-track DA workflow to improve customer timeframes and experience.
Council also restored funding to the libraries for resources, with $100,000 available for purchases at our libraries.
Some other initiatives that Council is pursuing include reviewing the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plans, refurbishment of toilets at the Bungendore School of Arts, implementing recommendations from an energy audit to save more than $50,000 each year, refurbishment of the building and kitchen for the Queanbeyan Senior Citizens, completing the Braidwood Structure Plan, studies related to the proposed Dunns Creek Road, and much more.
As the second year of the special rate variation, Council’s total general rates income will increase by 18%. Queanbeyan Sewer Annual Charge increases by 6.5%, Palerang Water Supply Annual charge increases by 15.6%, all other water and sewer charges increase by 4.5% and Waste Charges increase by 4%.
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Council must provide a rate reduction to a maximum rebate for general rate and domestic waste management charges of $250; $87.50 for water charges; and $87.50 for sewerage charges to all eligible pensioner ratepayers.
The NSW Government reimburses Council for 55% of the rebate and Council funds the remaining 45%. On top of this, Council provides an extra voluntary rebate of $40 to all pensioners. This brings the total maximum pensioner rebate to $465.
The adopted integrated planning documents will be available on Council’s website at