Jeremy Rockliff,Premier
After 20 years in Parliament and now 100 days as Premier, I could not be more excited and optimistic about where Tasmania is right now, and where we can be in 20 years’ time.
As I said when I became Premier, my vision for Tasmania is simple. It is to be a place where everyone feels valued, included, encouraged and supported to be the best they can be.
Where a kid from our regions can pull the boots on and represent Tasmania on the biggest sporting stage. Where people from around the country want to live, work, and raise a family. Or where a farmer from the North-West can enter Parliament, and become Premier.
I know there will be challenges ahead. The Commission of Inquiry will continue its confronting but important work, and we will continue to take immediate actions wherever possible, to ensure the safety of our children and young people. And we will continue our transition to live with COVID-19 as we move through the current wave of cases, with Tasmanians doing a fantastic job of remaining vigilant and supporting each other.
We might be the smallest State in Australia but we have always punched above our weight, and our future is bright and full of possibility.
We will continue to address our immediate challenges while harnessing our State’s competitive advantages to set our State up for the next 20 years and beyond, to ensure we have a diverse and resilient economy so that all Tasmanians have the opportunity to achieve their goals and succeed.
100 jobs done in 100 days:
1.Taken immediate action in response to the Commission of Inquiry hearings, including drafting new legislation to create a new crime of ‘failing to protect a child or young person’, and amending the Criminal Code to introduce a presumption that children under the age of 17 cannot consent to sexual intercourse when a person is in a position of authority over them;
2.Announced a formal apology would be made to all victim survivors of child sexual abuse in government institutions in the parliament after hearings conclude this year;
3.Tabled our Bill to introduce mandatory prison time for child sex offenders;
4.Secured planning approval for the new $786 million Bridgewater Bridge;
5.Completed 78 new homes for social housing in one month alone, and held the first meeting of the Ministerial Reference Group to advise on housing challenges;
6.Secured the first Tasmanian-based contractor to supply content for the new Spirit of Tasmania vessels;
7.Taking action to protect against the threat of Foot and Mouth Disease, with eight additional Biosecurity staff engaged to help deliver increased inspection and surveillance activities;
8.Upgraded the Dodges Ferry Ambulance Station to a double branch station;
9.Announced more paramedics for the Huonville ambulance station;
10.Boosted our ambulance services in Sorell with the recruitment of an additional four paramedics;
11.Announced that we will transform our digital infrastructure across the health system to improve patient care and access;
12.Announced a Child Safe Governance Review of the Launceston General Hospital and Hyman Resources, and appointed Co-Chairs to conduct this important work;
13.Taken more another important steps to live with COVID-19, with Tasmanians classed as close contacts no longer needing to quarantine for 7 days provided they comply with other Public Health measures;
14.Opened the Hobart Airport Interchange overpass to traffic;
15.Launched a new off-season tourism campaign to entice more visitors to Tasmania;
16.Taken action to safeguard children and young people in our schools including appointing a School Safeguarding Officer in every Government school;
17.Signed an MoU between Master Builders Tasmania and TasTAFE to help build a ‘High Vis Army;
18.Signed an MoU with the Royal Flying Doctors Service;
19.Announced 41 new projects and programs for our Children and Young People;
20.Delivered more than $2 million for our GP After Hours Support Initiative;
21.Released the design for our new $50 million Brighton High School masterplan;
22.Delivered 90 defibrillators to community groups across Tasmania, and then another 90 targeting rural and regional communities;
23.Introduced a new Inter Hospital Transfer Policy to improve patient experience and reduce waiting times for patients requiring transfers;
24.Introduced a new mental health phone line providing a single point of contact for Tasmanians;
25.Announced that we’re establishing a Long COVID clinic in the North West;
26.Expanded the trauma service at the Royal Hobart Hospital;
27.Identified sites for three more new park and ride facilities;
28.Secured the extension of the National Partnership on COVID-19 Response;
29.Announced a new Winter Energy Assistance Package;
30.Announced our Primary Care Reform agenda to ensure Tasmanians can get the right care, in the right place, at the right time;
31.Bolstered police numbers with another 24 new constables sworn in and another 40 new recruits starting;
32.Welcomed another 21 new Tasmanian prison service recruits on top of the 23 who recently completed their training;
33.Launched a new linear accelerator at the North West Regional Hospital’s Cancer Centre;
34.Made sanitary items available for patients at our four major hospitals;
35.Expanded the 2022-23 Ticket to Play program to include dance;
36.Outlined our next steps for our first Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy;
37.Increased the annual Pensioner Rates Remission;
38.Increasing the annual electricity concession;
39.Introduced a Winter Bill Buster payment for concession card holders;
40.Announced Aurora+ would be free of charge;
41.Increased the water and sewerage concession;
42.Expanded the MyHome Shared Equity Program to increase eligibility;
43.Extended the First Home Owners Grant of $30,000 for another 12 months;
44.Extended the payroll tax rebate scheme;
45.Doubled the land tax tax-free threshold;
46.Reduced the tax rate applying to land;
47.Extended the eligible period for the First Home Buyer and Pensioner duty concessions for a further 12 months;
48.Lifted the NILS cap to expand access;
49.Released our Term 3 COVID-safe schools plan;
50.Extended the free flu vaccine program;
51.Announced the release of another 161 lots for homeownership;
52.Announced works are set to begin on new rest facilities for truck drivers near the Howth weighbridge;
53.Identified three new potential sites for the Burnie Court Complex;
54.Swore in a new Magistrate to work across Devonport and Launceston;
55.Officially opened the new Southern Remand Centre;
56.Released our new action plan to reduce harm from smoking;
57.Announced more support for small businesses with grants of up to $30,000 to regional chambers across Tasmania;
58.Opened water sales for the Tamar Irrigation Scheme;
59.Opened a fourth round of the COVID-19 Business Impact Support Program;
60.Launched a community football support package;
61.Announced an expansion of the Launceston Women’s Shelter;
62.Provided disaster assistance to help local governments and primary producers recover from the impacts of flooding and severe storms in central and southern Tasmania;
63.Secured the future of around 600 local jobs through our $20 million commitment to Nyrstar;
64.Announced a $70 million commitment to help make Bell Bay a national green hydrogen hub;
65.Announced pilot Multidisciplinary Centres in the North and South to support adult and child victim-survivors;
66.Announced the development of overtaking lanes and other improvements on the Tasman Highway east of Scottsdale;
67.Opened stage one of the upgrades at Devonport’s Valley Road;
68.Announced a $150,000 contribution towards the workers’ memorial garden project in Launceston;
69.Provided $600,000 for the Trees on Farms grants;
70.Announced plans to develop Tasmania’s first Wellbeing Framework;
71.Launched the Premier’s Reading challenge for 2022;
72.Recruited 24 new Correctional Officers;
73.Announced the start of works on a new 50-bed crisis and transitional accommodation facility on the site of the former Waratah Hotel;
74.Opened public consultation on the draft Environmental Management and Pollution Control Amendment Bill 2022;
75.Progressed changes to land tax and duties to deliver our foreign investor surcharge commitment;
76.Started a trial for crossing guards to use body-worn cameras to record evidence of and deter dangerous driver behaviour;
77.Opened the expansion of the Mineral Resources Tasmania’s Mornington Drill Core Library;
78.Opened applications for the 2022 Tasmanian Export Awards;
79.Announced investigations at the Ashley Youth Detention site to ascertain its suitability as the site for a modern, fit for purpose correctional facility;
80.Passed important validating legislation to resolve a highly technical administrative matter relating to the issuing of a delegation made under the Forest Practices Act 1985;
81.Progressed legislation to ensure the appropriate treatment of children and young people in the custodial process;
82.Introduced legislation to protect the rights of workers, and to deter unlawful interference with workplaces;
83.Opened public consultation on the proposed model for a Home Warranty Insurance scheme for Tasmania;
84.Released an International Engagement and Export Strategy for green hydrogen;
85.Delivered dozens of pop-up flu clinics in rural and regional locations with free flu vaccines provided to thousands of Tasmanians;
86.Started works on Tasmania’s new mineral shiploader for the Port of Burnie;
87.Backed the establishment of a new regional organic waste processing facility in southern Tasmania;
88.Opened Latrobe’s new hydrotherapy pool;
89.Began construction on a new $17 million Youth2Independence housing facility in central Hobart;
90.Announced the members and chairperson appointed to the inaugural Waste and Resource Recovery Board, who will play an important role in advising the Government on the direction for waste management, resource recovery, and the Circular Economy in Tasmania;
91.Extended the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion;
92.Released a Discussion Paper on our 10-Year Salmon Plan;
93.Commenced consultation on the 2022-26 Business Growth Strategy;
94.Announced that we will invest up to an additional $360,000 per annum in a new revenue retention model to improve the sustainable management of our freshwater resources;
95.Opened the Register of Interest process for new renewable energy and energy intensive load projects;
96.Transitioned TasTAFE to the new Government business model;
97.Implemented THA grant deeds that include funding of $600,000 for women in leadership and a further $600,000 to deliver mental health support and assistance programs;
98.Improved the management of farmed deer with new regulations;
99.Allowing victim-survivors to seek greater financial support as a result of trauma or injuries, easing any financial burdens during an extremely difficult and vulnerable time in their lives;
100.Automatic mutual recognition of most occupational licences in Tasmania to commence.