Don’t Kiss And Drive

A young couple were lucky to escape injury after rolling a car at Glenelg North overnight.

About 3.15am on Tuesday 14 May, Police and emergency services were called to Tapleys Hill Road, Glenelg North after a car rolled, crashed through street signs and ended up on its side near the corner of Jervois Street.

The driver and passenger were able to climb out of the vehicle and neither of them suffered any injuries.

Officers spoke to the couple, and it was revealed that the driver had become distracted while driving by an ill-timed kiss from the passenger while she was changing the music.

The driver, 25-year-old Plympton Park woman, was reported for aggravated driving without due care. She will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.

Her passenger, an 18-year-old Happy Valley man, was issued with an expiation notice for impeding the driver’s ability to control the vehicle.

The Mazda was a write-off and towed from the scene.

/Public Release. View in full here.