Improving Accessibility At Sandringham Foreshore

We’re beginning improvements at Sandringham Foreshore Gardens in November to enhance accessibility and support cliff stability.

This works will include removing a short asphalt path and a small set of stairs, installing a new handrail on the stairs and path from the rotunda and undertake extensive revegetation with indigenous plants to strengthen the cliff area.

These works will not impact beach access at the Melrose Street stairs, Sandringham Lifesaving Club stairs or Rotunda path and stairs. There will be no impacts on the existing gravel pathways along the clifftop.

These upgrades are part of the Sandringham Foreshore Masterplan. The works are expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Illustrated map of works at Sandringham Foreshore Gardens

See more information on our project page

/Public Release. View in full here.