Burnout has become increasingly common in the post-COVID era. If you live in the Dubbo region and think you might be experiencing burnout, Southern Cross University invites you to participate in a clinical trial.
While workplace burnout, particularly for healthcare workers, has been well-documented, everyday Australians can also experience stress and emotional exhaustion1.
A trial to test whether nutritional and herbal supplements can help relieve symptoms of burnout is underway in the Dubbo region. The trial involves taking daily nutritional and herbal supplements for eight weeks.
This small clinical trial is being conducted by researchers at Southern Cross University together with an experienced naturopath from Dubbo at Liza Twohill Holistic Health.
The chief Investigator is Professor Sandra Grace of Southern Cross University.
“Most of the research in burnout has focused on burnout in the workplace, but it occurs more generally in the population,” said Professor Grace.
Characteristics of burnout include emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and a sense of ineffectual accomplishment2.
This trial will target healthy individuals experiencing burnout from any cause.
“The nutritional and botanical supplements used in this trial are known to support the nervous system and to improve how the body adapts to stress,” said Professor Grace said.
How to take part in the study
Around 30 participants will be recruited into the trial from the Dubbo region.
- Researchers are seeking generally healthy people, aged 18 years and over suffering burnout, who live in the Dubbo region.
- Participants must be willing to take a daily nutritional and herbal supplement for 8-weeks; have three in-person consultations over 2-months at a designated naturopathic clinic in Dubbo; have two blood tests.
- Participants must also complete a number of online surveys during the study.