The Minister for Communications, the Hon. Michelle Rowland, today announced reforms that will allow the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to take direct enforcement action for breaches of industry Codes without first having to issue a direction to comply. The Government will also increase maximum penalties for breaches and establish a Carriage Service Provider (CSP) registration scheme.
The TIO has long supported telco reform that benefits consumers and telco providers by fostering trust and confidence in the telco sector. These reforms are an important step in ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place for the delivery of an essential service.
As stated by Ombudsman Cynthia Gebert:
“Consumers rely on telco services for many aspects of their everyday lives, so they rightly expect telcos to be held to account when things go wrong. I am pleased to see the Government pursuing reforms that will make a difference here.
Today’s announcement is a win for telco consumers, and for building trust and confidence in the sector. I support the regulator, the ACMA, having a better view of who is operating in the sector through a register. I also support the ACMA having direct enforcement tools, so it can act quickly and decisively when telcos break the rules.”