Latest American Society for Horticultural Science News

New Advancements in Propagation Techniques Support the Growth of Unique Ornamental Plant Cultivars
Optimizing Indoor Lighting for Lettuce: Boosting Nutrients and Growth Without Reducing Shelf Life
Effective Chemical Solutions for Managing Powdery Mildew in Bigleaf Hydrangea
Ecotypes vs. sourced Plants in Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement
Evaluating Various Colors of Persistent Luminescent Powders on Rose Cut Flowers
Root Reduction in Grafted ‘Valencia’ Orange Trees Exceed Aboveground Effects of Infection by CLas
Soil and Nutrient Management Effects on High Tunnel Organic Leafy Greens
Exploring the Intersections of Horticulture and Mental Health: Insights from New Research
How Discerning Are Consumers Toward Floristry Design Principles & How Much Are They Willing to Pay?
New Research Uncovers Consumer and Industry Perspectives on Sustainability in the Floral Industry
Proceedings from ASHS 2022 Invasive Plants Research Workshop on Invasive Offenders
Consumers’ Preferences for Novel and Traditional Pear Cultivars: Evidence from Sensory Evaluation an
Climate-ready Landscape Plants: Garden Roses Trialed at Reduced Irrigation Frequency in Utah
A Risk Management Program Designed to Empower Women Farmers
Effects of Harvest Maturity on Storability, Ripening Dynamics
Ornamental Invasive Plants in Florida with Research-founded Alternatives
Winter Activity for Crapemyrtle Bark Scale: Managing a Growing Urban Landscape Pest
Producing High-quality Seeds of an Heirloom Cabbage in Different Crop Management Systems
Producing High-quality Seeds of an Heirloom Cabbage in Different Crop Management Systems
Evaluation of Different Aerification Methods for Ultradwarf Hybrid Bermudagrass Putting Greens
Survey Reveals Significant Xylella fastidiosa Infection in Prunus Germplasm in Gainsville
A Simple Low-Cost Method for Accurate Canopy Density Evaluation of Citrus
Varied Attributes of Jalapeno Pepper Cultivars Influence Fresh-cut Product Quality
Stem Carbohydrate Richness In Two Cycad Species
Unlocking the Secrets of Linnaeoideae: Total DNA Content and Ploidy Levels with a Focus on Abelia
Flow Cytometry for Estimating Plant Genome Size: Revisiting Assumptions and Best Practices
Cercocarpus Ledifolius Var. Intricatus ‘DoubleDown’
Eliciting Crop-specific Responses in Baby Greens using Far-red Light and Nitrogen
Far-red Light and Nitrogen Concentration Elicit Crop-specific Responses in Baby Greens
Hemp Morphology and Physiology Standards for Research and Industry Applications
Genetic Analyses Reveal Insights into Onion Bulb Shape, Volume
Evaluation of Trunk Injection Techniques for Systemic Delivery of Huanglongbing Therapies in Citrus
Organic Aminoethoxyvinylglycine Is an Effective Alternative for Reducing Apple Preharvest Drop
Effects of UV- A and Blue Light on Lettuce Coloration and Phytochemicals
Performance of Heat-tolerant Lettuce Cultivars in Southern New Mexico in 2020-21
Managing Southern Root-knot Nematode in Kentucky High Tunnels Using Grafted Tomato
Managing Southern Root-knot Nematode in Kentucky High Tunnels Using Grafted Tomato
Mutation Breeding of Salvia coccinea with Ethyl Methanesulfonate
Advanced Turf-type Bermudagrass Experimental Genotypes Show Marked Variation in Drought Response
Survival of Intervarietal Grafts of Sweet and Serrano Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) on Pasilla 18M
“Nothing Beats Nature”: A Case Study of Park Visitor Preference for Natural vs. Artificial Turf
1-methylcyclopropene and Harvest Maturity Impact ‘Ma’afala’ Breadfruit Postharvest Storage
Mode of Action of Calcium in Reducing Macrocracking of Sweet Cherry Fruit
Harvest Maturity and Preharvest AVG Treatment Effects on Cold-Induced Ethylene in ‘Gala” Apples
Green Leaf, Red Leaf, and Romaine Lettuce Breeding Lines with Resistance to Leafminer, Corky Root
‘Blanc du Soleil’: A Wine Grape for the Southeast United States
Genome-wide Study Identifies Major Contributions to Genetic Control of Pod Traits in Snap Bean
‘USDA-Spiers’ Rabbiteye Blueberry