Latest ANMF News | Page 2

Health system is worst it has ever been under Liberal Government 06 September 2023
Working Together to Deliver Better Staffing in Aged Care Facilities
Government must listen to our nurses and midwives needs 03 August 2023
64 days of protected industrial action: Darebin City Council MCH health nurses to hold second stop work community rally
Diabetes nurse educators escalate protected industrial action over fair pay
Time is ticking for Premier to reach pay deal 12 July 2023
Premier must meet pay agreement deadline 05 July 2023
Government dragging its heels on ANMF negotiations 30 June 2023
Diabetes Victoria nurse educators stop work community rally over fair pay
Major changes to rebuild the Aged Care sector start tomorrow
Rockliff is failing our hardworking nurses 27 June 2023
Darebin City Council MCH nurses’ stop work community rally over fair pay
Nurses & Midwives supporting ‘Yes’ vote for a Voice to Parliament
Health and mental health budget delivers on Andrews Government election commitments
A New Plan to Boost Nurse Practitioners in Health and Aged Care
International Nurses Day 2023: Why Nurses are the Future
A pathway for Nurses & Midwives to deliver better healthcare
95% of Victorian private aged care nurses and carers may miss out on pay rise
payer-funding for aged care must go directly to nurses and care workers – not into providers’ pockets
ANMF says RN 24/7 is Critical to Ensuring Safe Care for Older Australians
Women’s work: $2 billion aged care wage rise betrayal looms
International Women’s Day: Aged Care Workers’ Entitlements at Risk
Providers threaten to withhold aged care wages
Wage Win For Undervalued Aged Care Workers
ANMF Welcomes Funding for WA Nurse Practitioners
Premier must act now on transitioning NW maternity services
Independent board to oversee the implementation of Dhulwa recommendations
ANMF Calls for Funding for Medicare Reforms in May Budget
No appetite for midwifery workforce investment
ANMF Welcomes Medicare Reforms
ANMF Celebrating Nurse Practitioner Week 2022
Inquiry into Dhulwa Mental Health Unit report delivered to Government
Southern Cross Care Tasmania, Where’s Compassion, Integrity and Respect?
Albanese Government Acts to Stop Sackings in Aged Care
Albanese Government Must Stop Nurse Sackings in Aged Care
Enrolled Nurses Cut from Understaffed Nursing Homes
Better nurse/midwife patient ratios will ease workloads and improve care
ANMF Welcomes 15% Increase to Award Wages for Aged Care Workers
Better Bargaining System will Achieve Wage Growth & Equity for Female Workers
ANMF Welcomes Budget Funding for Health and Aged Care
11,500+ frontline health workers to receive $2,000 payment
ANMF Concerned by Removal of Covid Safety Measures
ANMF Cautions Against Hasty Removal of Covid Safety Measures
Victoria’s visionary strategy to build nursing and midwifery workforce
Pay Rise to Recognise Undervalued Aged Care Workforce
Access To Paid Family Violence Leave Will Help Save Lives
ANMF Appointed to Medicare Taskforce
ANMF Welcomes ‘Historic’ Aged Care Reform Laws