Latest Bilpin News

Sydney’s cake queen to add a heaping dollop of colour to Savour the Flavour
New Telstra Mobile Tower Comes Online At St Albans
New wayfinding and suburb signage unveiled in Richmond
Savour the Flavour Hawkesbury serves up a delicious second helping
New video launched about Bright Ideas to Build Resilience project
Woman missing from Bilpin found
Police appeal to locate woman missing from Bilpin
Work underway on new wayfinding and suburb signage for Richmond
In conversation about disaster support and trauma psychology
Gate opens to new agritourism opportunities
Free art and craft workshops at Community Hubs
Hawkesbury Community Hubs Survey
Bilpin welcomes improvements to Bilpin Oval and Hall
Free cooking workshop at Bilpin
Colo Heights welcomes improvements to Horrie Eley Memorial Hall and park
Community Hub catch ups
Place Plan Surveys in Hawkesbury
Recovery Centres and Community Hubs open
Latest on roads and public transport impacted by severe weather across parts of New South Wales as of 9am
Latest on roads and public transport impacted by severe weather across parts of New South Wales as of 6am
Severe Weather Update 2 July
NSW Planning changes could end Pick Your Own Tourism in Hawkesbury
Council funded to establish infrastructure recovery team to tackle roads damage
Tech Savvy Seniors Classes at our Community Hubs
Reduce food waste – special workshop for businesses
Remote Area Problem Waste Collection – register and save date
NSW police responding to fatal single-vehicle crash at Bilpin
NSW police lay charges after fatal crash
Man dies after crash, NSW
Work beginning on new playground at St Albans
$1.68M Local Economic Recovery Funding for Hawkesbury
Big community take up of free problem waste collection
Council hosts Civic Receptions for Hawkesbury Rural Fire Service
Endangered wattle burnt by bushfire bursts back to life
Horticulture research to boost bushfire recovery
NSW tourism champions showcased online
Calling for participants in Bushfire Research
Free remote area recycling collection events
Continuing our bushfire recovery
Bilpin Community Hall upgrade
Biz Rebuild helps with bushfire recovery in Hawkesbury
NSW police charge man over Forbes police assault after vehicle stop leads to arrest
Time to make community submissions to Bushfires Royal Commission
Apple industry receives help for bushfire clean-up
Hawkesbury’s Thank You Street Parade and Festival
Surviving to thriving Support for bush fire affected businesses
Hawkesbury announces Australia Day Winners and welcomes new citizens
Premier appoints Minister for disaster recovery